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Sites are mind numbingly slow


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For the past ten days I've found Oblivion, FO3 and FNV sites to be very slow with images. I can load a page, I can download a file but to expand an image in a mod or image share page takes forever. It doesn't matter what time of the day. I'm also getting many "database is struggling errors" It's strange as the message is inserted as text in the page yet the page loads anyway. Is there still work being done?


I use the latest Firefox with AdBlocker and Script Blocker both disabled for Nexus sites. I never had this problem before.

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I can't seem to replicate your problem. I go to the Image Share on Oblivion Nexus and start clicking on all the images on the Image Share and it loads instantly.


Where are you seeing the "database is struggling errors". Where do they show on the page?

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Message shows up at various locations. The top of a mod page. When loading tabs at the top of description or files or comments. Sometimes it appears on the popup when I download a file. Yet I can still download the file. Sometimes I'll get the non premium popup and if I select a premium server I'm taken to a signup for premium membership page. Reloading the popup fixes that.

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I live in Belgium and personally I cant even use anything on the site during evening hours when lots of people come online, pages try to load for a minute but then it just says "connection timed out".

Usually I have to retry up to 5 times before it gets a connection, but even then the site is usually just a white page with text on it.

None of these issues happen on any other hours during the day, except evenings 19.00-22.00 GMT+1 timezone.

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I have this " database struggling error" quite often too. In the DA Image Share when you click on an image it shows up under the image or when I look at mod comments or when loading up pictures.


I get it a lot when everything seems to be working fine, that said I think on this occasion it was trying to tell me something....



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That last one is pretty funny..!


Why is it no matter how many times I click around the sites I can't get these issues? I sit there clicking at every link possible and the pages load within 1 second each time :/

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