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Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)


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Hello JJ, been following this thread for awhile in high anticipation of release. It looks to be quite a 'thick' and well thought out mod so far man, and props to you for that and keeping everyone updated so regularly. So over the past few posts something that really caught my attention was a possible integration with other mods (RND, FF, etc.), which would be simply amazing. Staying with that theme, and remaining true to the character's persona, perhaps integrating "Wet and Cold Holidays" would add a bit of depth as well. As there's quite a few holidays with people getting drunk on the streets of major cities. May be something Sofia could comment about, on a trigger a few days prior to the holiday, and/or the day of. I wouldn't expect anything special every single holiday (especially as some are easily ignored), but I thought it would be neat for comments and/or desire to go drinking/partying in the holiday's city for that day.

Alas, I don't know how complex it would be to add on date events to character dialogue, as I've never tried it, but hey, figured I'd toss my 2c in. Thanks and keep up the great work JJ, we're all looking forward to Sofia! Take care.


PS: I can only imagine the hilarity of watching a drunk Sofia chase after the goat on Harvest's End (27th of Last Seed http://goo.gl/lsq8iu), with kids trailing behind her. Perhaps landing on, and killing the goat. LOL.

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Thanks. It's a nice idea and I will definitely consider it depending on how much other stuff I have to work on. Getting the date is nothing too difficult, it's the other stuff that takes time. I'm sure there will be plenty of nice surprises though ;)

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Well the horse she already has is most likely stolen. It's a nice idea but the problem with doing it the way you suggested is that she would need to actually be near some stables or someone elses horse so that it can be stolen whereas how I have it set up now she can just call her horse. Also a newly stolen horse is unlikely just to come running to her if she is in the middle of nowhere. Bounties forced on the players head is probably not going to go down well with everyone using the mod either for obvious reasons. It's not a bad idea, It would just cause too many complications for something so small and I already have the system in place.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 12:31 PM, MoonV said:

This looks to be one of the best follower mods I've ever seen! I'm definitely excited and can't wait for the first version release.




Oh yea I thought I would also mention that Christine will be doing a bit of singing for Sofia which was her suggestion not mine. She loves to sing and had a role as a bard in Interesting NPCs so it kind of makes sense that she should do something like this. Her idea was to rewrite the bard songs so that Sofia doesn't really know the lyrics and just makes most of them up and that they kind of reflect Sofia. I adapted some of Christine's ideas into a full song which you can see below. She also suggested an alternate drunken version and the ability for Sofia to learn the correct lyrics which I'll probably also do.


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You can check out Christine's covers of the bard songs here:

The Dragonborn Comes

The Age Of Aggression

and find Ange the bard in Interesting NPCs which is also sung by Christine (although personally I've never seen her)

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Ange is hard to catch. she moves about to different inns. It is a semi complicated routine she does as different seasons, days, and weeks she will be in a different inn.


Love those 2 songs she did, 100% better than the vanilla versions.

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