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Black screen when starting game!


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i am getting a permanent black screen when i start the game, the game loads fully functional however the screen is totally black, i can hear and interact with stuff though. i have tried reinstalling the game even after completely wipeing it as much as i can form my computer, i have tried with and without mods, i have tried with and without f4se and with the vanilla launcher as well, any help would be appreciated!

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open blindly the console if you think you are in the game and enter "coc redrocket01" or "coc quasmoke" and then press enter. from there you can use the pipboy and test traveling. at least you should see again if everything else works. some initial (ini)settings probably be odd.

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i am running a laptop, i guess i will try the console thing however i do not see it helping as the screen is stuck black, even the startup special videos\logo screen can be heard however i can not see them same with the main menu, i can hear it and interact with it but the screen is blank black as the initial startup screen before the logo\special videos

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ok, i finally got a fix "iPresentInterval" this here, needed to be 0, i did it and now the game works! your help is much appreciated!

May not be an issue on your laptop, but, that setting restricts framerate to screen refresh speed. If you never hit 60FPS, it's not an issue, but, if you go over 60, physics gets REALLY weird.

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