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Empire Earth


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This is a great game. It has good sounds, good gameplay, and excellent lifespan, but is let down by under-average grahics.<br><br>I was expecting a decent game with good, up-to-date graphics but instead I got a half-arsed attempt at graphics from Stainless Steel.<br><br>An average game but still worthy of a look in...
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  • 7 years later...

First off, sorry for reviving an 8 year old thread but if any of you guys played this game online in its heyday, it's still going strong on Gameranger. This was one of my most played games before they dropped the online support. There's still a ton of people playing it online so if you're feeling nostalgic give me a PM and I'll show you how to play it online.


PS it has been updated so there are no more glitchers and cheaters.

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I absolutely ATE THIS GAME UP as a kid. Played it nonstop.


Random sidenote, but my current college professor was one of the developers on this game. He currently just finished working on an MMORTS called "Dawn of Fantasy".


But yeah, this game was amazing--thank you for the post, PaladinRider...I may have to get my copy of this gem back and brush up on my battle skills so I can play online again :P

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I absolutely ATE THIS GAME UP as a kid. Played it nonstop.


Random sidenote, but my current college professor was one of the developers on this game. He currently just finished working on an MMORTS called "Dawn of Fantasy".


But yeah, this game was amazing--thank you for the post, PaladinRider...I may have to get my copy of this gem back and brush up on my battle skills so I can play online again :P


No way! I wish I could meet a guy on the development team for this game. It was by far the most played game of my youth. I was totally absorbed. My brother, father and I used to play it non-stop. There's still hundreds of people playing it online on Gameranger but I must warn you they are mostly pretty good! Middle SH is still the choice of settings, but some still play grenwar.

I will have to google "Dawn of Fantasy" but I really prefer the more realistic historical type. Always preferred games like EE and Age of Empires over Age of Mythology and the likes. Even Empires: Dawn of Modern World was a decent game!


I still have this game installed, and still play on a regular basis. Do a few networked games, and kick my son's butt as well. :D


My brother and I play together regularly now. I'm probably going to fail my exams because of it haha. My dad used to play single player but he doesn't anymore.

Edited by PaladinRider
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