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Well lets see.


William Wallace actually existed. However little is known about him. The battle at sterling happened over a Bridge an not on an open field.


Claymore is a Scottish sword. This name depicts a two handed sword with a downward slopping cross guard. It also the name of the scots basket hilt blade.


Either the Highlander charge or the scottish charge (forget what it's named) is when Scotts would fire one shot from their muskets then charge the enemy.


The Movie Braveheart: Scotts did not were kilts at that time. The french princess was only a little girl, and not married to the king.


The Scotts had a special round shield called the Targe. This shield has a nice spike sticking out from the center.


Scottland and England have fought each other for years over Scottlands independence. Scottland have won their independence at various points in history but have mainly been under English rule. To this day Scottland is not it's own country. However, I do believe that Scottland has been moving towards a peaceful independence from England.


In the medieval ages besides fighting the English the clans fought amoung themselves.


The Scotts are one of the few cultures that actually wore their claymores over their backs. However, contrary to movie myths they did not draw their swords over their shoulders. Before a fight they would remove the baldric (carrying device) along with the sword and then draw it.


The Claymore is lighter and faster then it's English counterpart.


I can go on.

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I'm sure you can Admiral. Scotland is North OF Enlgand not North England (Yanks please note the difference). I myself have scotish blood (the clarkes on my Grandmothers side and if I was half decent at football I could play for scotland, but I anit).


Scotland has some lovely scenery and Glasgow started as a big industrial city (and large parts of it still are).


We have so far managed to avoid the Loch Ness monster (big sea serpent thing) that may or may not exist (For you Yanks that is know as a myth or a lengend I won't bother to distinguish the difference)

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A lot of americans think that the United Kingdom is something somewhere in the middle east


A lot of them don´t even know were their country is! :o

I´m NOT kidding! :o :o

Yeah and a lot of them think that about 90% of the world's population is white and about 50% of the worlds population lives in the US :lol:

i saw one yank who freaked when he saw an oriental man. he had never left his own country before. he must have lived in a very secluded spot not to have seen an asians though

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i too am patriotic to my country, it almost borders on the obscene.

im not even remotely patriotic to england... in fact i think we're fairly sucky... a lot of people seem to think we're a bunch of posh snobs <_< and thats the sort of impression our government seems to give off. that we ARE a bunch of snobs. like constantly shunning the olympic games and making up excuses so we never have it here


and that royal family... theyre the worst of them all! :blink: i dont think theres a single one of them i could stand to be around for more than 5 seconds (besides perhaps william he seems a teensy bit more human than the others) :P


and what traditions have we got? slaughtering innocent foxes with a bunch of rabid dogs and shotguns. great! :blink:


still we do have some good history... unless u go 2 cornwall, then its Arthur this, Arthur that lol



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you should see our government. president was born in albania and was adopted by slovenian family at his very early age (two or three),former presidents three sisters are all married with serbs, nationalist party leaders mother or father was croatian and so on. half of government are like this, but if they would be italians or austrians they wouldnt be accepted in goverment
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I know a lot about EU. country's and there history. Because here (belgium) we learn about it in school. But I have never met an outlander who knows what belgium is. ( Wall at least nowone outside of the eu knows what belgium is and the history of this country ).


But francly, I don't care. B)

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