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rumored Fallout 4 teaser site


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I'm going to bet that even when Fallout 4 comes out, it would be filled with bugs and a console port for PC. Skyrim left a bad taste in my mouth :sick:

Bugs are going to happen with pretty much every game, no matter who makes it or what console. Bug ridden games are something that consumers have shown to buy anyway rather than wait the extra 5-8 months of QC. And this gets reinforced more and more as people willingly throw themselves into things like paid beta/alpha access. The age when you could buy a game and run it without any patching died with the advent of the internet and the ability for developers to release those patches without significant distribution costs (before the age of the internet, game patches, if they ever happened, had to either be mailed out to registered customers or distributed through PC magazines).


Skyrim may have had some bad patches, but I think people forget the SNAFU that was the original 1.2 Oblivion patch that essentially broke every NPC in the game, caused numerous display problems, and with Shivering Isles had scripts that could grind performance to a halt. Nevermind breaking CS functionality that was never fixed. And I'm sure there are plenty of other cases of patches being sent out that broke even more for other games.


From what I've seen of the PS4, I'm actually a bit optimistic about how future cross-platform games will play. Although the touch pad in the middle of the controller may be a little awkward to use in normal cases, it does provide something that is a unique feature that is native to any other controller... A built in cursor. Meaning that once companies start realizing the potential, they no longer have to construct horrible, clunky, ginormous menu screens just so that they can be navigated through using buttons. You can already see this change in work comparing Vita and 3ds games with previous generation games that didn't also have a touchscreen. Most of those things that are typically related to a "bad port" shouldn't be a common thing going forward.



About the only thing I would be concerned about regarding FO4 is if they try too hard to make it like your standard CoD style FPS, dumb down encounters to where you're mowing down dozens of opponents as fodder, and generally scrapping most of the RPG elements.

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It'll be months before it works properly, games having bugs is nothing new but Bethesda specialise in them. I'm not too worried about it being a port, the new consoles aren't that different from the PC so ports should work better.

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im trying not to overhype myself about FO4, or try to think too much about what i want or dont want in it. the more i do that, the more likely i am to be dissappointed when it comes out. games are rarely ever how we picture them, when we start to hype them up. im just going to wait until trailer and footage before i start hyping myself up. that way i can at least hype myself about something ive seen lol.

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im trying not to overhype myself about FO4, or try to think too much about what i want or dont want in it. the more i do that, the more likely i am to be dissappointed when it comes out. games are rarely ever how we picture them, when we start to hype them up. im just going to wait until trailer and footage before i start hyping myself up. that way i can at least hype myself about something ive seen lol.


Good idea. That was like me and Skyrim - there was no way it could live up to my expectations, but I forgive it this. Fallout 4 will be a lot different though: the whole world is much more mature than that of The Elder Scrolls which leads me to believe it will be better suited to our tastes.

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They probably will. Fallout 3 was like an upgrade of Oblivion's engine, so Fallout 4 will probably be an upgrade of Skyrim's engine.


However, Bethesda probably won't be able to get away with it, seeing as how the next-gen consoles have arrived. Who knows? Perhaps they will make it DirectX 11...

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