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Request to put my dog in a mod.


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My dog doesn't have long to live. I want to put her in Fallout 4 so I can always play with her in the game. However, I can't model anything. Can someone make the model for me? She's a cross between a Border Collie and a Rottweiler, and her tail curls whenever she wags. I will post reference photos shortly. I will also credit whoever makes the model.
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I love that you're asking for this dude, I'm the biggest dog lover there is as well. She looks like a real sweetheart and makes me miss my own dog, I really hope someone does this for you. If I had the first clue how I would in heartbeat but this type of stuff may as well be rocket science to me.


Make sure you cherish every last second with her and please someone with a heart make this man his mod!

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Being a dog lover myself, and having owned 6 dogs in my life so far, I can feel your pain. The worst part about owning a dog is when they pass. I have sworn, utterly, that I would never get another dog because of the pain of their passing, but, I simply cannot hold to that. The wagging tail, the lolling tongue, the sheer and utter glee they express when you come home. The unconditional love.
Times passing will garner you a new tail-wagging friend!

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  • 7 months later...

Well, today Mya passed away. She was the best dog I could ask for. But it doesn't need to be all gloom and doom. I have taken several more reference photos of her on my phone a while back, so hopefully it should provide better reference material for modeling. I just need to upload them first.

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