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Dear Nexus


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I am a standard user, not because I'm too poor or tight to become premium it's because I will not put any financial details anywhere near the Internet. I did use PayPal for a time years ago when the Net was slightly less a cesspool of filth but shut it down when I was shown that they have more power than I concerning my own bank account, they were able to overdraw my account for fees owed to ebay by several hundred dollars, something I can't even do, not even a cent overdraw. I had the bank contact me asking to immediately come and sort the over draw as well as the penalty fee for the over draw, so they'll be a cold day in hell before I put my finances anywhere near that mob. This week in Australia there have been 2 major data breaches concerning Optus and Medibank, so that reinforces the attitude even further. Although it pains me to not support the Nexus I just won't be doing it and I bet I'm not alone here, has any thought been put to this? How about some sort of pre paid card like Steam has? or an arrangement with steam to buy Nexus premium via Steam? I do realise this may be difficult or impossible but needed to let you know this is a roadblock for some that wish to support.

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Which they don't want to put on the internet.


Using a pre-paid card they bought from a local store means they can pay in cash or at least keep their CC information at a store they use on a regular basis.

So get a card with just enough to cover what ya want here, use it once, and call it a day.

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Steam Wallet Cards: Pay $50 in the store, can use it for $50 worth of goods on Steam.


Pre-Paid Credit Cards: Pay $50 in the store. Immediately lose ~5% of the value in fees. Get charged if you keep a balance for more than a month. You get ripped off by them no matter what you do.


It is an option, but it's not a comparable option to a Steam Wallet Card or similar.


Though, a Steam Wallet Card or similar is very unlikely for Nexus to be able to create.

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Paypal is digging themselves into a hole, here in the US.

While I am no fortune teller, or trying to say that they're eventually gonna get shut down, or any of that nonsense....


I too would like to try to explore new options.


I know. This has been brought up a lot. I know what a lot of the answers are.


Maybe gift cards? There are some online venues that have worked it out to accept gift cards from other companies. I dunno how that works, and it seems like it would be too complicated. Especially across national boarders.



Edit: And yeah. I agree. A lot of the commercial prepaid cards are a ripoff.

There might be another option tho.

Employer prepaid cards.

At least here in the US, a larger and larger number of employers would rather direct deposit your check to you, rather than have a paper check to you.

If you don't already have a bank account, they'll pay you via prepaid cards. Some of those, do have some pretty good terms and conditions.


Those can be linked to a paypal account, hopefully.

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Hhhmmm.... I've been using paypal for a couple decades now... and have never had a problem with them...... I started way back when, when I was selling things regularly on EBay..... used them pretty much exclusively. Sometimes, I though their fees were a bit high... but hey, you know how that goes. :)

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