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Disable glowing NPCs by night-time


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Any idea where i can fix the "glowing" armor/clothing from NPCs by night-time? Is it hardcoded or fixable via xEdit?







Thanks in advance, cheers.


UPDATE: A working mod can be found here: Disable character light unfortunately there is no known Global Command (GLOB) for now it must be enabled via console, INI or BAT file.


Option1) In Console type (thanks to Blinxys):

cl off

Option 2) In Fallout4Prefs/Custom.ini type [General] cl off (thanks to robotgeant):

sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off; cl rim x.xxxxxx

Option 3) Or create a BAT file (as .txt file), name it "characterlight" in your ROOT folder (where Fallout4.exe is stored) type in the command, e.g. "cl off" (thanks to StormWolf01). In Fallout4Prefs/Custom.ini type an refer to the BAT text file, see;

sStartingCjavascript-event-strippedbat characterlight
Edited by Qrsr
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Think that has to do with "Character Lighting".

Console: ~ "CL help"

CL off / CL on

You can set the rim lighting amount (what you seem to be experiencing).

or whether or not to use in 1st person in the console.


Also this is a fog color issue, (been struggling with it myself).


The lantern light color should influence all highlights, (it might just a little on dust by the passage on right, maybe).

And carry through the fog onto the player.


but it's a dummy light and the fog actually has it's own color which is technically incorrect, (on so many levels). :geek:

the ambient light in the room is does not appear to be directional or casting from any real source.


Lighting mods often introduce more problems than they fix IMHO,

so it's a bunch of INI tweaks and ENB/shaders to fill the gap, but even that won't fix it see above about fake lighting.

But fake lighting can be turned off- if that helps.

Otherwise all dust and fog in game needs to be retextured, but what setting needs to be changed???

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Think that has to do with "Character Lighting".

Console: ~ "CL help"

CL off / CL on

But fake lighting can be turned off- if that helps.

Otherwise all dust and fog in game needs to be retextured, but what setting needs to be changed???

Thank you, thats an enlightment for sure! :smile:


Based on your trigger some more interesting data;

- https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492379159717550777

- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566464755



The post of the year for me, again thank you Blinxys!!!



Adjust character lights
-3) It is also possible to adjust the strength of the effect, instead of completely removing it, by using the "cl rim" console command. (thanks lordjb for the info !)

Default is "cl rim 0.02", but you can set it to "cl rim 0.002" to make it more subtle.

Play with the value as you like, between "cl rim 1" (ultra bright), and "cl rim 0.001 (almost invisible)

And of course, once you've got the perfect settings, type "sStartingConsoleCommand=cl rim X.XXXXX" under "General" in your "Fallout4.ini" and replace the X.XXXXXX with the value of your choice.


Final question, there isnt a global command for it, isnt it? I couldnt find any on the GECK wiki nor on some research on the NET.

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I've played around quite a bit with batch/bat files. I do not know if this is a command that could be initiated via an autostart bat file, or not. Some can, some can't.

What that is, is a simple command script that fires off a console command. An autostart bat will do it, when the game starts without opening the console.


For autostart batch files, you first have to make edits to your .ini files. So, after you make a backup of those files somewhere else on your computer, go back to the original, and edit this:

in Fallout4prefs.ini or Fallout4custom.ini add or change sStartingConsoleCommand as follows

sStartingCjavascript-event-strippedbat startup

Then create a startup.txt file in the game directory and you can add multiple lines of script commands, one command per line, or reference other bat files


so open up a new notepad document. Type in your

cl rim x.xxx ("X" being the values that you want to use for the settings).

choose Save As

Then direct it to your ROOT directory of Fallout 4. NOT The Data Folder. Root directory is where the Fallout4.exe file is located.

Save the file as a .txt file named startup.txt


Again, I don't know if this is one of the commands that will actually work as a startup bat, but if you want to give it a try, that's how you do it. :wink:

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I've played around quite a bit with batch/bat files. I do not know if this is a command that could be initiated via an autostart bat file, or not. Some can, some can't.

What that is, is a simple command script that fires off a console command. An autostart bat will do it, when the game starts without opening the console.


For autostart batch files, you first have to make edits to your .ini files. So, after you make a backup of those files somewhere else on your computer, go back to the original, and edit this:

in Fallout4prefs.ini or Fallout4custom.ini add or change sStartingConsoleCommand as follows

sStartingCjavascript-event-strippedbat startup

That works very great too, thanks for the advice!


You can also do:

sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off; cl rim x.xxxxxx

The last night i hammered down some combination into the GLOB record i can think of, non of them worked, RIP;


x = (i, b, s)

















and so on ...Nothing ... it looks like a crown when turned 90° to the left though ..


Is there a way to see any available Global (GLOB) command in Fallout4? I also searched in Skyrim and Fo3, Fo3NV forums - the GECK wiki didnt say anything either, this really gets interesting now. There must be a way, its also intersting because if a GLOB would be available console users can profit from it, afaik - instead of creating ESP pseudos etc.


Aside from glowing enemies you can also see glowing glass (bottles, plastics), these weird water containers glowing like mad, glass on furniture, glowing and on top of that even the water is glowing - seems it has to do with the water reflection? Everything glows, my brain does no different now... :smile:


Handy in this case;

- No More Glowing Water Coolers

- Glowing Glass Fix


I cant remember the mod which disables water glowing at night time though. Anyways, later.

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I've been on this quest before... :ermm:


There is no global setting that I was able to find.

CL Does Work on autostart line in launcher, ini, and from a batch file.

It should just be a console command line toggle really (but "TCL" was already taken). :dry:


@Stormwolf01 your command line looks more involved than mine...

sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off


is all I have in fallout4custom.ini. (i think more commands can be added there with a semi-colon delimiter). :unsure:


I Used Clarity (in part) a while back to solved a lot of these glowing glass and object issues...

The part that I used was the BGEM, files (loose, without the esp). :wink:

Now there are just a few beakers that don't reflect properly. :rolleyes:


Editorial: All things being relative (as light is- just ask Einstein); if Bethesda just made lighting behave scientifically (representational) and not designed pseudo-artistically (subjective/interpretive) the game would look better out of the box, save a lot of processing power, and still lend itself to artistic interpretation perfectly well through enb or whatnot. The same is true of physics, which makes the whole thing quite ironic really. (Especially if you dumped ~$2k into a video card for physix and RTR). :yes:

Edited by Blinxys
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Qrsr - not a problem! Glad to be able to throw some ideas into a fix for what you're having.

Blinxys - Very nice abbreviated code! Yeah, I was using a tutorial that was more than a few years old. It looks like you've got a much more efficient and probly newer method :thumbsup:


While I really haven't done much looking into the issue... just seeing it on the screen makes me think that it's a shadowing issue. Or at least, that's the effect, if not the cause.

It looks like the objects have a light source behind them, but the shadows aren't being applied evenly enough across the object to make the full silhouette. (yes, I had to use spelling correction for that! :laugh: )

So part of it is lit up along the edges being hit by the light source, where they shouldn't be.

Just an observation, I dunno if it helps or not. :confused:

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I wouldnt be surprised if CL would be adjustable somewhere in FO4 data, maybe some light records. Such as HDR / Bloom can be adjusted in HNAM / HDR (Bloom threshold/scale) to avoid light magically create blooming all over the place..

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