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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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Funny how mod users can be unreasonable, but modders are all perfect. Anyway, the suggestion I made wouldn't hurt anyone afaik.




I don't see how I said all modders are perfect but if you want to be a stickler for formality, pretend I added "most" or "a lot of" to any group.


But by sheer volume difference between downloaders vs mod producers, yeah, there are going to be more asshats in absolute numbers in the first group. Which is also Robin's point: there are too many downloaders (and thus asshats) for the volunteer admins to deal with so some responsibility is being outsourced by virtue of being crowdsourced. To the more popular (in terms of downloads) mod producers. Who, by the sound of the rather hyperbolic objections of some mod downloaders, can apparently be trusted to create free content and distribute it for the pleasure of others (also for free) but can't be trusted to be discriminating in who they choose to distribute their content to. Or they shouldn't have the right to choose. I'm sure there is some kind of point in there.

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Usually I don't comment here (even though I always read these posts) but I just had to say it : GREAT update! I don't really care about comment deletion, I will probably never use that, but being able to block users from my mods ? Now that's just great, and hopefully it won't be misused and is here to stay.
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In response to post #10260602.

It doesn't matter if mod authors and admins alike easily recognize it. They can just block your ass forever and not have to deal with your criticism.

I will be revising how open I am when I talk to mod authors about their mods. In fact, I will stop commenting on mods I want, period. Getting blocked unduly sounds like something I would risk just by pressing the "submit" button.
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No. No. No.


As 'polite' mod author, I do not welcome the new Author-side moderation system at all, it is something not needed if you are a 'polite' modder, if you are able to provide correct documentation and if you respect your users. I think that giving such a large power to Authors with just 1k downloads is a quite macroscopic mistake. And will result in a mass delete of negative reviews without even taking care to reply or being helpful with users, like a good modder should be.

Bad comments are also a resource, both for Authors and for *new* users who approach a mod, they may help in tracking bugs, and at the user side they can make the difference between a download or a not download. By adding author-side moderation you are going to break this system, and everything will go soon out of control.


As web related startupper, I can also tell that this is something which goes totally in the wrong direction, both from all the others "AppStore" out there (because yes, Nexus is basically a 'free' appstore) that are using centralized moderation for assure quality, and also from the 'numbers' side. As 'numbers side' i mean that this system will causes way less website interactions (less posts/replies/threads), way less returning/active users (because if i'm an user, and an author randomly deletes my posts i get angry) and you need to have those numbers highest as possible for attract advertisers, it's not a smart move also because you are probably already facing user deflection due Skyrim getting old and Steam Workshop competition. So instead of going along this risky road i find more useful setting up a proper advertising network (instead of using 3rd party services) and then using the money for boost the centralized moderation team.


Just my 2 cents, and thank you for all the hard work.

Edited by aLaaa
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In response to post #10262139.

This isn't about polite authors it's about impolite users and while most authors ignore idiots it does really upset some and it's not something they should have to put up with. I don't see a problem with people being in control on their own work, it's done on Steam and it's not caused any issues.
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310 is also a reply to the same post.

There are not impolite users if you are a dedicated and polite Modder who really loves his community, users behavior is the mirror of the Authors behavior. If you are kind, you will mostly receieve kindness as back.

With RCRN in 2 years we had to report just a couple of replies, and from the other side we happily replied to more than 4k questions.
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477 are all replies on the same post.

It doesn't matter how polite you are there will always be idiots who are either unpleasant or constantly pester the modder to change the mod to their personal taste, they're few and a far between but they're out there and they do drive modders away.
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In response to post #10252415. #10252846, #10253003, #10253436, #10253494, #10253733, #10254612, #10254935, #10255184, #10255502, #10255579, #10255972, #10257158, #10258026 are all replies on the same post.

What are you afraid of? If you haven't done anything to make people ban you from their mod then there isn't a problem. And don't respond with your tired quip about "Dem krazy merd makerz" If they wish to block you from their mod, then nothing is going to stop them either way.

Edited:A Quote from jim_uk "...no one has any right to anything here, mods are gifts from people who have worked hard to produce them...We have a right to the game we paid for and anything we create ourselves, access to other peoples creations is a privilege, not a right. Why should anyone share their creations with ungrateful, self entitled or generally unpleasant people? "

My "tired quip"...come on guy now you are just making stuff up and mashing it together.

I posted my opinion that it is petty and I posted the fact that it can never be anything but a dick move.
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