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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10255885. #10255945, #10256555, #10256846, #10256962, #10257275, #10257381 are all replies on the same post.

There's nothing stopping people working together, if a mod author wants to work with people then he/she isn't going to block them. What it does is give the author control over their work, yes there is a report feature but being able to solve a problem with a user youself is preferable to hoping the staff deal with it. The only people who need worry are those with the social skills of a baboon or those who think they can pester and harass modders into doing their bidding, you know the type, those who keep demanding that a mod be tailored to what they want because they're entitled and the modder is there to please them and no one else.
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So much for my troll posting!! If I keep doing it, I'll end up alone on Nexus, downloading my own mods. With time I'll start hating myself and thus blocking my own posts and acces to my own mods, that I'll have to learn how to make, as I suck at making mods right now. Great! Really looking forward to this!
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What are you afraid of? If you haven't done anything to make people ban you from their mod then there isn't a problem. And don't respond with your tired quip about "Dem krazy merd makerz" If they wish to block you from their mod, then nothing is going to stop them either way.

Edited:A Quote from jim_uk "...no one has any right to anything here, mods are gifts from people who have worked hard to produce them...We have a right to the game we paid for and anything we create ourselves, access to other peoples creations is a privilege, not a right. Why should anyone share their creations with ungrateful, self entitled or generally unpleasant people? " Edited by coffinbag
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This type of policing sux a bit, but most posts are questions about how to use a mod or appraisal to the author, a bit of bug feedback, and only a few of the users have "specialized" in criticizing ( constructive or flaming). Only the last category has to be careful from now on. Unless mod owner starts acting crazy ^^ !

Blocking downloads is kinda useless imo, and can be bypassed, i think. Although is pretty rare to get into an argument with the mod owner, but still wanting to use his mod, but circumstances still arise. Edited by hangman04
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From my point of view you people are making quite a fuss about nothing now.

Robin never comes up with a debatable feature addition such as this out of the blue.

This normally is and was previously debated and discussed among the reputable Mod Authors' group in the restricted forum, not that many 'douches' like you're afraid of to be found in there, and the majority of them decided they want it, else it won't be here.


Think twice about 'who' it is you're fighting with here. You're opposing the majority of reputable mod authors, not some Joe Blow on a power trip aiming to shoot down all negative press in an instant.


The question should rather be "Why did the majority ask for it?" - "What have You as the user base done wrong so they felt it was necessary to request such feature?". Questioning why the feature was introduced by the developers is pointless, as the answer will always be "Because they're listening to their authors' requests and wishes!"


I personally will never use the download blocking feature. My stuff is free-to-use and the Nexus isn't the only host I frequent. I will also never use the comment blocking feature either, because if somebody really bothers me, and it takes an inhuman amount of dedication to achieve this, I'll just click the 'Report'-button and be done with it, 'cause who actually manages to bother 'me' is already banned by definition anyways.


I'm not going to defend the feature either, as I've got no interest in it myself at all and would rather not have such draconian measures in place to begin with. But you can bet I'll be going out of my way to defend the authors-who-wished-it's right to do so at any time, if I have to.



Ask 'them' why they wanted it, not the site devs why they did it! And if you really care about that thing called 'community', ask yourself what made them wish for it so badly it became a feature now finally. There ain't no modding community anymore, once the authors were driven away.


Now give it some time and let the staff watch what it evolves into, before you go crying wolf on a crusade against noone else but the mod authors themselves.

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Although I can understand some modders would appreciate the ability to block users from their mods, I think this will result in users leaving less useful feedback. Who would like to leave (positive) criticism on a mod with the fear of being blocked forever? This in turn could hurt the development of the mod.


As a compromise I suggest letting modders decide to have the ability to block users. Some editable field on the user page (which can be changed only once). Also, I think it would be useful to state on a mod page if the modder is able to block users from their mods.


Just a thought (please don't ban me, heh).

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I think this will result in users leaving less useful feedback. Who would like to leave (positive) criticism on a mod with the fear of being blocked forever?


Useful feedback and positive criticism is easily recognised by mod authors and admins alike (addendum: and virtually every reasonable human being). It's just the userbase which sometimes seems to have problems discerning between "constructive criticism" and "stating a personal preference/opinion in the most jerkfaced way possible" and/or "demanding someone changes their work to suit you".

Edited by acidzebra
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I think this will result in users leaving less useful feedback. Who would like to leave (positive) criticism on a mod with the fear of being blocked forever?


Useful feedback and positive criticism is easily recognised by mod authors and admins alike. It's just the userbase which sometimes seems to have problems discerning between "constructive criticism" and "stating a personal preference/opinion in the most jerkfaced way possible" and/or "demanding someone changes their work to suit you".


Funny how mod users can be unreasonable, but modders are all perfect. Anyway, the suggestion I made wouldn't hurt anyone afaik.

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