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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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I must say I am really astonished by some of the comments on this article. We modders are not evil overlords hell bent on blocking anyone and everyone from our files - quite the opposite. We spend a lot of time and passion on our creations, so most of us go out of their way to attract downloaders, comments and most especially endorsements (being the vain creatures that we are). So banning people from giving us these things makes exactly no sense, unless the user in question has done or said something extremely offensive.


And even if a mod author has a tendency to ban people from his files for no good reason, I find it strange that this is called "abusing" the system. I would understand the fear if we could deny you access to a service you have a right to. But as it is the only thing we can take away is acces to our mods. Mods that we create as a hobby, for free. The very same thing could be achieved by simply not sharing our work, or taking it down again after it was published - the difference being that then many would suffer for the actions of a few. I really fail to see why we should not be allowed to decide who gets to benefit from our hard work. Begrudging us this right is like scolding a kid for sharing sweets with his friends but not the entire schoolyard (including the guy who beat him up the day before).


Really the only way I can see this feature being abused is by people who reupload other modders' work and delete all comments pointing out that fact, as we've seen happening on the steam workshop. Since users can still be reported and the Nexus administrators are a lot more efficient in spotting and removing such thieves, I really don't see that as a huge problem.

Edited by Saerileth
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385, #10341515 are all replies on the same post.

@ jim_uk
Why should the author have to leave for a while? surely the one who should be gone from that file is the one causing the problem?

When you're angry, the best solution is to get a hold of yourself or leave until you're cooled down. Acting out of rage isn't a good strategy.

As for the one causing the problem, it will most certainly be the user, but you can't deny it can be the author.

I agree the problematic users should be dealt with, but so should the authors. The problem is the authors won't be as Dark0ne said there will be no appeal. It's been proven in a lot of psychological studies that giving more power to one group and make them believe they are "right" and the other group is "wrong" will inevitably lead to a widespread abuse of power, it's human nature. So you can argue how you want about the "good" nature of the banning tool, but overall it's gonna be misused just as much if not more because it's human nature. And I'm not preaching for users here, both users and mod authors are the same, they're all humans. Edited by TheThirdRace
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385, #10341515, #10346703 are all replies on the same post.

It seem that all authors are being lumped together as if they were one entity. The authors are individuals with unique personalities just like each user. They are human beings that have feelings and and wants and desires just like everyone else. The only difference is they made something and are willing to share it. Just like any time you want to benefit from something that someone else will share . You have to be nice and respectful to get it. The person sharing is not under obligation to share with anyone that offends them. This is no different. All this does is give the person sharing the option to decide not to share with someone that they find offensive without just "taking their ball and going home". This way nice people still get to play with it. I'm pretty sure that if you remember that the person who made the mod you are using is a person with feelings and you imagine that you are standing in front of them when you type at them, the interactions would all go differently.

Edit - what I'm saying is, before you type it ask yourself if you would really say it face to face with someone. And would you say it in that manner? This goes bothways, heck it's just a good idea in general. Edited by greggorypeccary
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I must say I am really astonished by some of the comments on this article. We modders are not evil overlords hell bent on blocking anyone and everyone from our files - quite the opposite. We spend a lot of time and passion on our creations, so most of us go out of their way to attract downloaders, comments and most especially endorsements (being the vain creatures that we are). So banning people from giving us these things makes exactly no sense, unless the user in question has done or said something extremely offensive.


And even if a mod author has a tendency to ban people from his files for no good reason, I find it strange that this is called "abusing" the system. I would understand the fear if we could deny you access to a service you have a right to. But as it is the only thing we can take away is acces to our mods. Mods that we create as a hobby, for free. The very same thing could be achieved by simply not sharing our work, or taking it down again after it was published - the difference being that then many would suffer for the actions of a few. I really fail to see why we should not be allowed to decide who gets to benefit from our hard work. Begrudging us this right is like scolding a kid for sharing sweets with his friends but not the entire schoolyard (including the guy who beat him up the day before).


Really the only way I can see this feature being abused is by people who reupload other modders' work and delete all comments pointing out that fact, as we've seen happening on the steam workshop. Since users can still be reported and the Nexus administrators are a lot more efficient in spotting and removing such thieves, I really don't see that as a huge problem.



The detractors seem to think that every mod author is going to go off on a nut, and ban anyone that says anything even remotely negative about their mod. Do these folks have such a dim view of modders, that they think they are ALL like that??? Why is it, I suspect these folks have had some exposure to a modder that was banned from here a couple years back? (who shall remain unnamed...) THAT particular individual would indeed ban you for not totally agreeing with everything he said, and believing that his mod was the 'best ever', and totally bug-free..... Please note, he isn't here any more.

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In response to post #10348051.

I don't think that all modders are like that, but they don't all have to be to cause problems on the site. All it would take is a couple overzealous authors or hell, even just a couple normally great guys having a bad day and going overboard because someone upsets them, possibly without even meaning to.
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385, #10341515, #10346703, #10347280 are all replies on the same post.

@TheThirdRace Yes but people don't always act rationally and I'd rather they banned an abusive user than took all their work down denying everyone access to it. I'm not suggesting there aren't authors who get cranky but there's usually a reason for it, those who don't give an author reason to get cranky have nothing to worry about. This system works fine elsewhere, there's no reason why it can't work here as well.
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In response to post #10348051. #10354611 is also a reply to the same post.

Please keep in mind that there would be nothing on this site for users to download if it weren't for modders who share their work. So modders who "are like that" will cause problems on this site regardless of the new features, because they will just take their work down (or get involved in a flamewar and be banned), essentially removing part of the service the Nexus has to offer to its users.
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