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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385, #10341515, #10346703, #10347280, #10354729 are all replies on the same post.

I agree with you, a problematic user should be dealt with swiftly. Where I disagree is that should done by the moderator staff, not the authors to eliminate potential unfair bans.

As far as I'm concerned, if an author removes his work from the Nexus just because of 1 user, he's definitely a childish spoiled little ...(something I will refrain from saying out loud). If you quit all your jobs as soon as a customer makes you angry, you've got a problem and should seek professional help.

Getting angry against a user is normal, it happens all the time and mostly (99.999%) is the user's fault. All I'm asking is that the ban hammer isn't wielded by the angry emotional guy, but the impartial moderators. I think authors should have the tools to silence the treat immediately and use the existing ones to report the user if necessary. Edited by TheThirdRace
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In response to post #10330114. #10330682, #10331242, #10337418, #10337785, #10338207, #10340385, #10341515, #10346703, #10347280, #10354729, #10360357 are all replies on the same post.

you could always volunteer to be a moderator, then you would understand why Dark0ne put this system in place, the guys and girls are over taxed as it is, putting more work on their plate isn't helping. The system will stay in place until its 3 month trial has passed, then it will be judged, and then appropriate action will be taken. Dark0ne has said he isn't taking this down until the trial period is over(if it doesn't pass), all you can do is deal with it.

But if you insist on arguing against a brick wall guys, continue. while you guys waste space in this pointless debate over a feature you have no control of, I will be downloading mods and playing games, have fun. Edited by coffinbag
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In response to post #10346176. #10352595 is also a reply to the same post.

These were pretty much my thoughts too. Its the potential arbitrariness without any recourse for the blocked user thats concerning me. And the potential exists that the mod author has a grudge from the past and misuses it.

"If you’ve blocked a user from your file pages then that’s that. We’re not going to deal with the justified and/or petty squabbles between mod authors and blocked users in this regard so if a mod author blocks you from their files do not come running to the moderation team about it because we’re not going to be removing any blocks. "

Most mod authors are great and take criticism fine, but some get plain defensive about it. I am also concern these might take to culling their comment sections of useful posts, because it shows their mod in a bad light. On the other hand it might get rid of some total crap comments.

[i posted something similar before and it somehow got "lost" - so I am repeating it here; hopefully it wouldn't go into ether again]
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It's been a long time since I used the Nexus that way, but isn't it still possible to download most files without being logged in? I know that files over a certain size are blocked, but I definitely remember this being the case: in the days before I decided to pony up as a premium user, I probably wound up downloading most mods while not logged in, out of sheer laziness. Unless you're doing some sort of IP address block (which would be a nightmare to maintain, IMO), surely any blocked user can just log out and DL whatever they want that way. Or is that configurable by the mod author, as well?


That being said (and for what very little it's worth), I'm not sure I see any real value in blocking a user from the files section. From comments? Certainly. Private messages? Absolutely. Both of those features allow an ungrateful and/or obnoxious user to make life difficult not just for the mod author, but for users legitimately interested in the mod too. But surely downloading a file is a passive act. I can't maliciously download a user's work, and the only real harm I can inflict is putting a drain on the Nexus servers. But if I did that, then I'd be causing a site-wide issue, and my account should ideally be blocked from the whole site.


Granted, it's the potential for abuse that bothers me more than the likelihood of abuse. I expect the vast majority of mod authors are reasonable and understanding folks. But there's no guarantee that will always be the case, and, besides, it only takes a few bad eggs to ruin things for everyone. And the worst thing of all is, as The 3rd Type suggests in his post, the potential chilling effect. This actively discourages people from participating in the Nexus community and that, ultimately, is what makes the Nexus superior to most other mod-hosting sites out there.

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In response to post #10346176. #10352595, #10362130 are all replies on the same post.

It seems like a perfectly valid concern to me. *A* mod author might be reasonable and fair-minded, but there's absolutely no guarantee that *all* mod authors are so. And if I'm a newcomer to the Nexus, and I don't know any of these people, how can I tell, really? It's better to keep my head low and not do or say anything that might potentially irritate a mod author.
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In response to post #10324757. #10327504, #10328571, #10329098, #10331009 are all replies on the same post.

@jim_uk I think the real problem is that everyone has a different definition of what "a pain" is. I think most of us would agree that a user who constantly spams the comment thread and hurls insults willy-nilly would qualify, yes. But you also have to consider the potential for prickly pears who treat any questions or bug reports or constructive criticism as "a pain."

There's a balance that should be struck between abusive users and abusive authors. In the past, yes, the scales have been titled in such a way that it was far too easy for the former to get away with their actions. My concern is that this is an overcorrection that moves things too much in favor of the latter.
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In response to post #10343890.

As someone who will likely never be in the position of being able to use this feature (I'm pretty much exclusively a lurker around here: I try to remember to be generous with my endorsements, but my commenting is rare, and I lack the creativity to make it as a mod author), I appreciate your thoughtful approach to the matter.
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In response to post #10331716. #10352651 is also a reply to the same post.

Note: I am not endeavouring to offend, merely to express opinions and worries.

Can you please explain what is wrong with downloading a mod, finding you don't like the implementaion/features/look/bugs, going to the authors page and expressing this and suggesting to others on the page that they may prefer a similar mod by someone else?

I was under the, perhaps foolish, impression that the comments section on the file pages are there to express thoughts and opinions regarding the mod.

Also not downloading the mod is not the only "right" a user has. They also have the, as you put it, right to express there thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, requests etc on the mod, the authors vision for the mod, the authors technical expertise, the authors image, comments, along with anything and everything to do with the mod and its author.

Why? Because by creating and uploading the mod for public consumption the author gives the users these "rights".

By requesting that people download their mods and by maintaining a public profile with options for public feedback, the author/s are also inviting people to comment and critique them and their mod.

Not everyone is the same. Not everyone will voice an opinion in a format, tone or containing content that the author finds pleasing. That however is just tough.

As long as the author is not being threatened or suffering abuse, people should be able to say whatever they want about any mod or its author, authors conduct, or any information the author has made public as the author made a concious choice to make said mod/info public and everyone has the right to express their opinion.

Expressing dislike or criticisms regarding a mod or its author or suggesting that people may prefer/enjoy an alternative in no way constitutes threats or abusive behavior and certainly should not be discouraged or looked down upon.

I am extremely grateful that people share the changes they've made to the game and i am aware that some of the mods can take considerable time to develop, however there seems to be a huge bias in favor of the "rights" of the authors vs the "rights" of the users on this site.

Banning a user is the ultimate sanction this site has in terms of punishment. Such a strong sanction should absolutely not be in the hands of mod authors and should not even be in the hands of moderators without the opportunity to appeal to a neutral party who would be better placed to retain objectivity, or without at least some form of oversight.

A high moderator workload is no excuse to devolve the power to exclude to mod authors especially in such a fashion open to abuse.

I sincerely appreciate the work the moderators do, especially as volunteers, however no amount of workload can justify this decision.
It would in no way be difficult to enlist the services of more honest, objective, community orientated volunteer moderators from a community of this size to ease the workload on current moderators while still preseving the buffer of objectivity, integrity and credibility that a well run community with moderators enjoys.

I feel as the nexus site/s grow, there is a growing disregard for the rights, feelings and happiness of the standard users of this site, without whom there would be no community as, along with mod authors, they are the lifeblood of this site both as a business enterprise and a community, responsobility for which rests solely with the person/s who recieve an income from the site and who are responsible for site policy.

Despite not being directly active in the community, i have used the nexus for a long time and have consistently recommended and defended it to countless people. The feeling i am begining to get is one i have found on other sites as they have grown. It seems to be that, and i really hope i am mistaken, individual users or even users as a whole don't really matter anymore as there's plenty more fish in the sea.

That, however, also holds true from a users perspective with regards to which site they will use and community they participate in.
Edited by Fleetstdemon
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I have always used the Nexus site to download mods because other sites were not free to comment so you could not trust there mod's to be bug free. If you can't now comment on the nexus site, ( for fear of being banned ) like other sites, then why not just download from other sites?


just a concern I'm having as a user.


p.s. being one how try's to be polite but does not always know how to say things right and having people misunderstand me all the time, I for one will stop commenting!

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Well, actually, the risk of also getting banned to downloading files will probably result in just to simply don't comment on files anymore at all. I never had any problem with a mod author here, but considering moody mod authors (and yes, they are sometimes and respond in very irrational ways sometimes, have seen such conflicts between users and modders a lot of times here) and that english isn't my native language, which could possibly cause unintended misunderstandings, I for myself will possibly pass on commenting any file here in the future.


While I see and understand that you want to reduce the work the nexus-stuff has, and while I also don't want to jump on the censorship-wagon, I think thats a lot more power than a mod author should have on such a community based site. If, in the past such abuses happened, the stuff reacted and decided based on facts and for the most time neutral, a mod author who feels attacked or emotionally offended probably won't... thats why prosecutors aren't judges at the same time. Just baning a user from commenting a file - and only commenting, would have been a more suitable solution. So, for me: no file comments here anymore - no critics, and because it feels very wrong to me to being forced to just post positive comments, no praises, too. If I really want to give feedback, i'll do it over at BGS forums. Sorry, mod authors and sorry nexus stuff. But for me, that change just didn't feel right and I can't see it to change anything for the better.

Edited by NewRaven
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