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Understanding the ramifications of directly attacking Russia, or even appearing to directly attack Russia, and proceeding with caution is not a "stupid policy". What is a moronic idea is for America and their allies to openly and directly appear to be attacking Russia in some ill-conceived counter offensive without the backing and support of the rest of the worlds nations. Putin has already thrice threatened to use his nuclear arsenal if there is a directed retaliation into Russia. The world, collectively, has to make a deliberate and conscience decision before attacking any Russian territory and giving Putin his justification to use that arsenal. Thankfully, to date, nobody is stupid enough to espouse even the appearance of directly invading Russia and igniting WW III.



Who is advocating invading Russia??


I suspect WWIII has already started..... in the same fashion WWII did.


I talk about the cautious approach and President Biden not wanting American arms and armaments being used to attack targets in Russia (which HeyYou labeled a "stupid policy"). I addressed the inadvisability of even appearing to support attacking Russia directly. which the use of American weaponry to attack targets inside Russia would cause. I discuss one consequence of appearing to directly attack Russia.


But HeyYou queries "Who is advocating invading Russia". HeyYou completely missed the point. Whether his missing the point is due to a deep and abiding lack of reading comprehension, a deliberate attempt to twist my comment into something other than what I said, or just simple stupidity, I know not.


Remember the old saw, HeyYou. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Please stop removing my doubt.


Now put the block back in place (or stop clicking "View it anyway").

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Understanding the ramifications of directly attacking Russia, or even appearing to directly attack Russia, and proceeding with caution is not a "stupid policy". What is a moronic idea is for America and their allies to openly and directly appear to be attacking Russia in some ill-conceived counter offensive without the backing and support of the rest of the worlds nations. Putin has already thrice threatened to use his nuclear arsenal if there is a directed retaliation into Russia. The world, collectively, has to make a deliberate and conscience decision before attacking any Russian territory and giving Putin his justification to use that arsenal. Thankfully, to date, nobody is stupid enough to espouse even the appearance of directly invading Russia and igniting WW III.



Who is advocating invading Russia??


I suspect WWIII has already started..... in the same fashion WWII did.

I talk about the cautious approach and President Biden not wanting American arms and armaments being used to attack targets in Russia (which HeyYou labeled a "stupid policy"). I addressed the inadvisability of even appearing to support attacking Russia directly. which the use of American weaponry to attack targets inside Russia would cause. I discuss one consequence of appearing to directly attack Russia.


But HeyYou queries "Who is advocating invading Russia". HeyYou completely missed the point. Whether his missing the point is due to a deep and abiding lack of reading comprehension, a deliberate attempt to twist my comment into something other than what I said, or just simple stupidity, I know not.


Remember the old saw, HeyYou. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Please stop removing my doubt.


Now put the block back in place (or stop clicking "View it anyway").


I'm sorry, but I can't help it if you make yourself look like an idiot........

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Understanding the ramifications of directly attacking Russia, or even appearing to directly attack Russia, and proceeding with caution is not a "stupid policy". What is a moronic idea is for America and their allies to openly and directly appear to be attacking Russia in some ill-conceived counter offensive without the backing and support of the rest of the worlds nations. Putin has already thrice threatened to use his nuclear arsenal if there is a directed retaliation into Russia. The world, collectively, has to make a deliberate and conscience decision before attacking any Russian territory and giving Putin his justification to use that arsenal. Thankfully, to date, nobody is stupid enough to espouse even the appearance of directly invading Russia and igniting WW III.



Who is advocating invading Russia??


I suspect WWIII has already started..... in the same fashion WWII did.

I talk about the cautious approach and President Biden not wanting American arms and armaments being used to attack targets in Russia (which HeyYou labeled a "stupid policy"). I addressed the inadvisability of even appearing to support attacking Russia directly. which the use of American weaponry to attack targets inside Russia would cause. I discuss one consequence of appearing to directly attack Russia.


But HeyYou queries "Who is advocating invading Russia". HeyYou completely missed the point. Whether his missing the point is due to a deep and abiding lack of reading comprehension, a deliberate attempt to twist my comment into something other than what I said, or just simple stupidity, I know not.


Remember the old saw, HeyYou. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Please stop removing my doubt.


Now put the block back in place (or stop clicking "View it anyway").


I'm sorry, but I can't help it if you make yourself look like an idiot........




And he open his mouth yet again. Fool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like Trump, I get it, he is bombastic, a braggart, and has a huge ego, sort of like Obama, but, much less subtle. I go by results, not the perspective of today's democrat party and their allies in the corporate media.
Seven years later, after multiple "charges" and three failed impeachment attempts (in reality) and, NOTHING? No absolute proof? Just scenarios painted by the democrats and their afore mentioned allies?
The problem lies in Washington. The legislative branch of our government has chosen to put party over people. Then comes a media that has chosen sides (and yes, I include FOX). They have lost focus, their mantra used to be "hold government accountable", now it's "how can we support our party or choice?".

I remember the economy before Covid, it was humming on all cylinders. I also remember Trump getting prison reform done, creating "opportunity zones" in disadvantaged city areas, increasing minority employment rates to all-time highs....Yet, he is still labeled by the standard democrat identity politico nonsense as a racist, homophobe, misogynist, ect?

As far as the Ukraine? Should have never happened in the first place. Crimea was gifted to the Ukraine by Russia
back in the 1950's , after hundreds of years of being a part of Russia . A failure on the diplomatic end? Putin is to blame? Zalinsky is to blame? If only we knew....

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As far as the Ukraine? Should have never happened in the first place. Crimea was gifted to the Ukraine by Russia back in the 1950's , after hundreds of years of being a part of Russia . A failure on the diplomatic end? Putin is to blame? Zalinsky is to blame? If only we knew....


edgeburner, read this and you should be up to date. this is not fake but reality!

and if you like trump i hope at least you don't like all his intentional (and all other) lies.


also we knew, putin knew, russia and ukraine knew and the world knew, also trump and obama. it seems you not until now!

cold war was history but until putin regime decided to revive it in 2014 continuing aggressively in 2022 while ignoring international rules and law.

this is all very well documented and far away from a fake history view and pro putins (turn back time) propaganda you seem to believe in while ignoring the facts from 2014.

if you argue stupidly like that please don't forget that putin would have also always the right to invade east germany again because it was in the 1950ies part of the warsaw pact! while you scream "maga" you seem to forget what happens in the world around you. do you really need a second 1933 and the following 12 years to learn your lesson ?


crimea resolution 2014 you may find all relevant articles and links to the crimea issue or you can define your personal sight of history together with mr trump and mr putin and their "alternative" facts.


can you really ignore this or wipe this away like not existing ? it seems at first you obviously lost focus. that does not mean that others are on the right way...

please adjust your focus and learn to separate fake and propaganda from reality. it would be great if you do so!

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I screamed "MAGA" ? Really? No way. MAGA is a term that was twisted by the liberal media to depict it as some sort of isolationist, Hitler - esque nonsense. Purely political.
Are your actually attempting to tell me you have all of the facts concerning the Ukraine and the politics involved? You use Wikipedia links as a reference? Nothing personal, but, not me.
I also remember that Trump threatened Putin not only by competing with Russia in oil production and the pipe line Biden gave the OK on blowing, but, told Putin he would bomb Russia if they invaded Ukraine? I'm not defending Putin, but, I will not ally my take on a situation that could literally force the world into a war by bias corporate media lemmings spouting their duty on air. Especially after the disastrous trips Biden and Harris took to Ukraine a few months after the invasion......My God. They were an embarrassment...and their media thralls defended them!

There is a lot we don't know, and probably never will. Such is the way of governments in time of possible crisis.

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A couple things.


First, ... with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost access to warm water ports. The only ports Russia has left freeze solid during the winter and become unusable. In order to flex is power and feed its growing need for imported food stuffs, Russia needs a port which is accessible during the winter months. Thus the annexation of the Chimera and it's port. But Ukraine has chafed at this "permitting" of Russia into the nation, Russia's incessant claims that Ukrainians are Russians, and Russia's fomenting a revolution in Ukraine. When coupled with Ukraine's overtures to NATO, Putin and Russia are fearful that they may once again loose access to "Russia's" only warm water port. So, Putin invaded to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and potentially obtaining sufficient power to once again close Russia's access to a warm water port.

Second, Donald Trump is an narcissistic < extremely rude reference to the anus suppressed >. All the other appellations (racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc) applied to Trump and his hatred of "the other", are superfluous. The only person Donald Trump cares for or about is Donald Trump. All the rest of humanity are just a means to an end for him.

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A couple things.


First, ... with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost access to warm water ports. The only ports Russia has left freeze solid during the winter and become unusable. In order to flex is power and feed its growing need for imported food stuffs, Russia needs a port which is accessible during the winter months. Thus the annexation of the Chimera and it's port. But Ukraine has chafed at this "permitting" of Russia into the nation, Russia's incessant claims that Ukrainians are Russians, and Russia's fomenting a revolution in Ukraine. When coupled with Ukraine's overtures to NATO, Putin and Russia are fearful that they may once again loose access to "Russia's" only warm water port. So, Putin invaded to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and potentially obtaining sufficient power to once again close Russia's access to a warm water port.


Second, Donald Trump is an narcissistic < extremely rude reference to the anus suppressed >. All the other appellations (racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc) applied to Trump and his hatred of "the other", are superfluous. The only person Donald Trump cares for or about is Donald Trump. All the rest of humanity are just a means to an end for him.

1. thanks that you point the obvious about d.t. since 2016 out. but it was no secret even in 2016. what makes me nervous is that so many american friends seem to play the obvious down in 2023. one word to the frozen port problem. it will not exist in a few years and we all know why. if you live in peace with your neighbours this is no problem at all. many more countries suffer from this problem which is no problem if you solve it without war, aggression or "back to cold war expansion fantasies".


2. russia was on a way towards europe even with putin (at least all many europeans thought). then came the crimea annexation and since then russia and even the dumbest of the the european politicians could be sure they were cheated with putins "back to aggressive cold war propaganda" plans. only a few europeans including a german ex-chancellor, and many east germans still do not acknowlege this and live like so many russians in a world of conspiracy and propaganda. but this not only an european phenomenon...


one big surpise to me (in the beginning) : why is putin still so popular in russia - throwing away the chance of global peace and while leaving supression and autocracy behavior behind ?

why can he throw away all this and the life of so many russians (and also the criminally attacked neigbour) without consequences in russia?

are so many russians such blind nationalists (or putinists) that they follow and trust putin even blindly and his propagande like the germans followed hitler until it was too late?

why are most russians still happy about this and even support him and his (cold)war and expansion fantasies while all others are sooner or later in jail or dead ? do they really believe autocracy driven propaganda like the germans did before ww2 ? for me it is hard to believe that this happens once again in such a short time after ww2 and cold war, now with the russians.


i'm so sad that the world is ruled by so many brutal autocracies and lifetime "elected" leaders and the most people in these countries do not stand up against these kind of "i suppress and dictate the rules during my whole life - if you want or not"- leaders like putin, lukaschenko. only a few brave did that and they are now dead or sit sentenced for the rest of their life in jail due to rediculous, harsh and politically motivated rules.

i can not believe that this kind of behaviour will ever lead us to global peace or makes humans happy. the bitter conclusion is that the chance seems greater that civilians in autocracies will(must) tolerate suppression around them like they always did and that international law will simply be ignored by their leaders and we all find us in a global war to fight for what ? for autocracies and leaders who rule their county their whole life ? i do not get it but i'm more and more sure this will be our worlds destiny if the silent mass with peaceful minds do not stand up against this and do not fight together this one time for peace like the brave women in iran! they risk their life just for humanity and the regime sentence them to death just for fighting in peace for the right to behave and decide like free indivduals like so many others already can do. i do do not believe an a politically driven solution. i'm sure autocrats and "life time elected autocratic leaders tend to act the same way until their own bitter end: they'll try to blow up the world before they are willing to serve humanity and to reduce their personal influence for higher goals like freedom and peace instead of pure individual and lifetime power. hitler and his expansion driven crimes and fantasies could have been an ultimative warning for the world. but as we currently see nobody cares or takes the problem serious enough while this time we are capable to literally blow up our planet.

Even spiritual leaders of the russian church act as putinists. that makes the situation and the risk of misleading people even in the "name of god" in russia even worse. what a mess and gaslighting of the whole russian nation.


hitler has gone too far and the same applies now to putin. he and his personal followers will drag the world down until this ongoing crime and slaughter finds a natural end or the rest of the world (including china ?) decides in the last moment to save the planet from being destroyed by a conflict, started an bv an illegal, russian aggression, condemned worldwide by international law and the majority of states, still ignored by russia.

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A couple things.


First, ... with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost access to warm water ports. The only ports Russia has left freeze solid during the winter and become unusable. In order to flex is power and feed its growing need for imported food stuffs, Russia needs a port which is accessible during the winter months. Thus the annexation of the Chimera and it's port. But Ukraine has chafed at this "permitting" of Russia into the nation, Russia's incessant claims that Ukrainians are Russians, and Russia's fomenting a revolution in Ukraine. When coupled with Ukraine's overtures to NATO, Putin and Russia are fearful that they may once again loose access to "Russia's" only warm water port. So, Putin invaded to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and potentially obtaining sufficient power to once again close Russia's access to a warm water port.


Second, Donald Trump is an narcissistic < extremely rude reference to the anus suppressed >. All the other appellations (racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc) applied to Trump and his hatred of "the other", are superfluous. The only person Donald Trump cares for or about is Donald Trump. All the rest of humanity are just a means to an end for him.

1. thanks that you point the obvious about d.t. since 2016 out. but it was no secret even in 2016. what makes me nervous is that so many american friends seem to play the obvious down in 2023. one word to the frozen port problem. it will not exist in a few years and we all know why. if you live in peace with your neighbours this is no problem at all. many more countries suffer from this problem which is no problem if you solve it without war, aggression or "back to cold war expansion fantasies".


2. russia was on a way towards europe even with putin (at least all many europeans thought). then came the crimea annexation and since then russia and even the dumbest of the the european politicians could be sure they were cheated with putins "back to aggressive cold war propaganda" plans. only a few europeans including a german ex-chancellor, and many east germans still do not acknowlege this and live like so many russians in a world of conspiracy and propaganda. but this not only an european phenomenon...


one big surpise to me (in the beginning) : why is putin still so popular in russia - throwing away the chance of global peace and while leaving supression and autocracy behavior behind ?

why can he throw away all this and the life of so many russians (and also the criminally attacked neigbour) without consequences in russia?

are so many russians such blind nationalists (or putinists) that they follow and trust putin even blindly and his propagande like the germans followed hitler until it was too late?

why are most russians still happy about this and even support him and his (cold)war and expansion fantasies while all others are sooner or later in jail or dead ? do they really believe autocracy driven propaganda like the germans did before ww2 ? for me it is hard to believe that this happens once again in such a short time after ww2 and cold war, now with the russians.


i'm so sad that the world is ruled by so many brutal autocracies and lifetime "elected" leaders and the most people in these countries do not stand up against these kind of "i suppress and dictate the rules during my whole life - if you want or not"- leaders like putin, lukaschenko. only a few brave did that and they are now dead or sit sentenced for the rest of their life in jail due to rediculous, harsh and politically motivated rules.

i can not believe that this kind of behaviour will ever lead us to global peace or makes humans happy. the bitter conclusion is that the chance seems greater that civilians in autocracies will(must) tolerate suppression around them like they always did and that international law will simply be ignored by their leaders and we all find us in a global war to fight for what ? for autocracies and leaders who rule their county their whole life ? i do not get it but i'm more and more sure this will be our worlds destiny if the silent mass with peaceful minds do not stand up against this and do not fight together this one time for peace like the brave women in iran! they risk their life just for humanity and the regime sentence them to death just for fighting in peace for the right to behave and decide like free indivduals like so many others already can do. i do do not believe an a politically driven solution. i'm sure autocrats and "life time elected autocratic leaders tend to act the same way until their own bitter end: they'll try to blow up the world before they are willing to serve humanity and to reduce their personal influence for higher goals like freedom and peace instead of pure individual and lifetime power. hitler and his expansion driven crimes and fantasies could have been an ultimative warning for the world. but as we currently see nobody cares or takes the problem serious enough while this time we are capable to literally blow up our planet.

Even spiritual leaders of the russian church act as putinists. that makes the situation and the risk of misleading people even in the "name of god" in russia even worse. what a mess and gaslighting of the whole russian nation.


hitler has gone too far and the same applies now to putin. he and his personal followers will drag the world down until this ongoing crime and slaughter finds a natural end or the rest of the world (including china ?) decides in the last moment to save the planet from being destroyed by a conflict, started an bv an illegal, russian aggression, condemned worldwide by international law and the majority of states, still ignored by russia.




You missed one very important point, "flex it's power". The rest of the world will allow Russia to move food and oil and textiles etc through it's ports. But the worlds nations will not host Russian warships in their ports. For that, Russia needs their own warm water ports. And that is the whole point for annexing Chimera.

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as i explained it clearly in my point 1. of my statement: i do not tolerate this as a reason for sudden international aggression and brutal slaughter of neighbors as most states as a part of the UN do not tolerate it. a majority of states in the world already condemned how russia acts. can we accept that we live in obvious anarchy and chaos because one nation breaks the rules for egoistic reasons? that exactly happens currently by tolerating the putin regime after two annexations. are you supporting this kind of autocratic, chaotic world order, ruled in favor of one autocratic leader by one nation ignoring most others ?


this port flaw should be (and was always) part of negotiations instead of any illegal criminal annexation. if any other state react like russia it should be treated and condemned as criminal aggression as well!

russia simply ignored and still ignores the UN. who is the next? china? what currently happens with the ukraine is simply tolerating an ongoing international condemned crime. the question is: for how long?

hitler's "power flex" was not tolerated for obvious reasons. the reaction came very late but the world order was saved somehow but sadly: it is fragile as we see now. we all know the end. why should a "putin power flex" obviously slaughtering another nation should be tolerated now? please explain! in my opinion it will end the same way or putin blow up our panet to save his wild cold war fantasies. i see no indication that this situation - putin regime law against world and international law - can end peaceful.

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