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Unless you also try to seek out media that is less 'extreme' in viewpoint, but still on the 'opposite' side of the fence. Sometimes, the information needed to successfully analyze the topics is/has been suppressed/buried deeply. I don't think that the debates/doubt over the COVID vaccines would have been as bad, if the full information on side effects/contraindications had been readily available in spite of marketing concerns, and that the promotion of vaccines to "stop the spread" had stopped, when it was plainly clear that the vax was virtually useless in stopping/preventing transmission.

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I dont think all media is bad I think any story they report on or tell is skewed by two things

1. Profit

2. Their own political leanings.

I take everything I hear in the media with about a ton of salt and follow that old Russian proverb "Trust but Verify"


Edit: Although I do immediately dismiss it if it came from the toxic fields of Twitter.

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Get your forks sharpened and torches oiled.


The media isn't the problem. You have it backwards.


The media needs to pay for paper and ink (literally, if not figuratively), and nobody wants to pay 50 bucks a day for the news. So, to cover costs, media moguls sell advertising space.


The agencies that figure out how much a media outlets space is worth base the calculations on "audience share". The more readers/viewers, the more the advertising space is worth.


So media outlets develop "target markets", groups of people that will read or watch their particular reporting. Then, these media outlets create and deliver their content in a manner that is pleasing to their target audience.


The "low brow" media isn't making Americans dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD. It is the dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans making the media low brow. And eventually the media and their audience enter into a mutually inclusive embrace, create a feedback loop and drop into a descending spiral of ever increasing number of dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans.


So, stop complaining about the media and go look in the mirror. The problem is there, looking back at you.





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The main stream media is just as if not MORE corrupts than politicians. For the EXACT reason you spoke of. They are owned by corporations that are all about that dollar dollar dollar, So why care about the truth when a lie will sell "papers"/ get ratings?


Also if you think they have not been influencing people to care ONLY about what they say to care about you have not been paying attention.



Nonetheless, you are still the problem, because you are the one that tells the media what you want the media to tell you. You don't want the truth. You want the media to shovel you full of your preferred half truths and fabrications. If the media doesn't feed you delusional conspiracy theories or tells you something you don't like, you go on the internet and bad mouth the media.

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Nonetheless, you are still the problem, because you are the one that tells the media what you want the media to tell you. You don't want the truth. You want the media to shovel you full of your preferred half truths and fabrications. If the media doesn't feed you delusional conspiracy theories or tells you something you don't like, you go on the internet and bad mouth the media.










Did you even read what I posted or did you just see that I did not agree with you and automatically ass-u-me that I am a mouth breather? go back and read again I do not in fact trust the media to tell me jack. If talking head told me water was wet I would check no less than three sources before I believed it.......(thinking sounds)


You know what; never mind you are obviously a Twitter troll armed with your keyboard of righteousness (1 d 4 bludgeoning +2 per troll level/ twitter post) telling the world how we should think and what is right....


so are you CNN or FOXnews? Or are you gonna try and be hip and go MSNBC or BBC?

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Nonetheless, you are still the problem, because you are the one that tells the media what you want the media to tell you. You don't want the truth. You want the media to shovel you full of your preferred half truths and fabrications. If the media doesn't feed you delusional conspiracy theories or tells you something you don't like, you go on the internet and bad mouth the media.










Did you even read what I posted or did you just see that I did not agree with you and automatically ass-u-me that I am a mouth breather? go back and read again I do not in fact trust the media to tell me jack. If talking head told me water was wet I would check no less than three sources before I believed it.......(thinking sounds)


You know what; never mind you are obviously a Twitter troll armed with your keyboard of righteousness (1 d 4 bludgeoning +2 per troll level/ twitter post) telling the world how we should think and what is right....


so are you CNN or FOXnews? Or are you gonna try and be hip and go MSNBC or BBC?



I would ask you the same question. Did you actually read and comprehend what I originally wrote. I don't need to assume you're a mouth breather, because your response wasn't even distantly related to what I said.


As for your assumptions and asinine assertions, well, ... I'm an old fart and I still read newspapers and magazines. I don't have any talking heads nor sound bites. Talking heads is YOUR problem, just as is talking out of your ... Furthermore, No X (was Twitter), no TikTok, no Facebook. I gave up my LinkedIn account a decade ago. My only asocial media is here, talking truth and reality to folks like you, trying to educate you, and watching as you squirm and fight and shout obscenities in an effort to drown out the truth.

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You are incapable of educating. This discussion was on an ideological level until you typed.


You tend to lower the discussion on a personal level. Not just in this topic i have seen you getting really toxic in another topic. Maybe you should just leave this place too since we are hopeless cases that can't handle ''your truth and reality''.

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Guest deleted34304850

you make the same mistake with all your posts - you deliberately push OPINION as TRUTH which is exactly what those resources you claim you don't interact with do.

Do better.

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