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Doesn't matter anymore. Big corporations and special interest groups run the country now- and the world. With populations projected to decline over the coming decades, the elites are much more interested in keeping everyone alive for as long as possible to fuel the global economy. Trump is a dinosaur that gets in the way- simple as and whether he gets into office again is actually irrelevant in the overall scheme. Main concern is how to handle China- a wild card and threat to the global establishment. Trump serves one purpose- he's a needed diversion.


*This is just my opinion*

Corporate america has owned the government for decades. The Citizens United supreme court decision pretty much assured that was gonna happen. And it did. Both Trump, and Biden are both dinosaurs. Neither should be permitted to run for president. We still have some months before election time though, and who will actually end up as the 'finalists' is yet to be determined. Should be interesting. If Trump runs against Biden, he may actually stand a chance of winning. Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose.

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Doesn't matter anymore. Big corporations and special interest groups run the country now- and the world. With populations projected to decline over the coming decades, the elites are much more interested in keeping everyone alive for as long as possible to fuel the global economy. Trump is a dinosaur that gets in the way- simple as and whether he gets into office again is actually irrelevant in the overall scheme. Main concern is how to handle China- a wild card and threat to the global establishment. Trump serves one purpose- he's a needed diversion.


*This is just my opinion*

Corporate america has owned the government for decades. The Citizens United supreme court decision pretty much assured that was gonna happen. And it did. Both Trump, and Biden are both dinosaurs. Neither should be permitted to run for president. We still have some months before election time though, and who will actually end up as the 'finalists' is yet to be determined. Should be interesting. If Trump runs against Biden, he may actually stand a chance of winning. Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose.


and who can or should forbid it ? that two dinosaurs can compete against each other in 2024 is a result and display of the lack of reasonable options and also a showdown of the collective current incompetence of all democrat and republican party members to recover the party even in times it would be essential and urgently needed.

it displays also the priority of desperately and cowardly holding on to power of most party members whatever the price is.

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Doesn't matter anymore. Big corporations and special interest groups run the country now- and the world. With populations projected to decline over the coming decades, the elites are much more interested in keeping everyone alive for as long as possible to fuel the global economy. Trump is a dinosaur that gets in the way- simple as and whether he gets into office again is actually irrelevant in the overall scheme. Main concern is how to handle China- a wild card and threat to the global establishment. Trump serves one purpose- he's a needed diversion.


*This is just my opinion*

Corporate america has owned the government for decades. The Citizens United supreme court decision pretty much assured that was gonna happen. And it did. Both Trump, and Biden are both dinosaurs. Neither should be permitted to run for president. We still have some months before election time though, and who will actually end up as the 'finalists' is yet to be determined. Should be interesting. If Trump runs against Biden, he may actually stand a chance of winning. Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose.


and who can or should forbid it ? that two dinosaurs can compete against each other in 2024 is a result and display of the lack of reasonable options and also a showdown of the collective current incompetence of all democrat and republican party members to recover the party even in times it would be essential and urgently needed.

it displays also the priority of desperately and cowardly holding on to power of most party members whatever the price is.


Good question. I don't have an answer for that. Would be nice if common sense would prevail..... but, I know that is a pretty forlorn hope. :)


Politics in general in the US are broken. It isn't about doing whats best for the country, its doing whats best for the POLITICIANS. (and their major donors.) We need some serious reforms here, but, they will never happen, as the only folks that can make the necessary changes, are the very same folks that benefit most from NOT changing anything.

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"Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose."


Bernie Sanders would also lose again (if he changes his mind and runs). In fact, very few can match Trumps sheer magnetism (thanks in large part to his big mouth and the media that uses him to boost ratings consistently). Love or hate the man, people will always pay attention if his name is in the headlines. There are a few on both sides of the isle that could steal the spotlight from him- if they can upstage him decisively. Depends on how much of their rep they're willing to stake. One or two have nothing to lose really, and they actually have some reasonable solutions in mind on most major issues. But again, the media is quick (and relentless) to brand them so they won't be heard at all. But bold prediction is that Joe gets a second term and all will appear smooth sailing for a bit longer.


*again, this is just my opinion*

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"Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose."


Bernie Sanders would also lose again (if he changes his mind and runs). In fact, very few can match Trumps sheer magnetism (thanks in large part to his big mouth and the media that uses him to boost ratings consistently). Love or hate the man, people will always pay attention if his name is in the headlines. There are a few on both sides of the isle that could steal the spotlight from him- if they can upstage him decisively. Depends on how much of their rep they're willing to stake. One or two have nothing to lose really, and they actually have some reasonable solutions in mind on most major issues. But again, the media is quick (and relentless) to brand them so they won't be heard at all. But bold prediction is that Joe gets a second term and all will appear smooth sailing for a bit longer.


*again, this is just my opinion*

Yeah, I am not sure what makes Donnie think he can win against Biden *this time*...... And it's not like his popularity has increased since then..... Personally, I hope the republican party smartens up, and runs just about anyone else...... but, not holding my breath on that.

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"Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose."....

Yeah, I am not sure what makes Donnie think he can win against Biden *this time*...... And it's not like his popularity has increased since then..... Personally, I hope the republican party smartens up, and runs just about anyone else...... but, not holding my breath on that.



i see no chance that this happens soon or even ever. the best indicator is that trump and maga still works for no reason and the fact that at least one american apart from trump believes in the power of such slogans and believes this slogan or anything hiding behind is relevant or rational at all is a clear sign that americans the world is not ready.


as long as alternative facts are accepted or treated like facts and leaders can misuse their power like that without consequences while treating integrity as an empty hull nothing can and will ever change to the better - not for any party or any country on this planet! like in 1933, we all learned extremely late but in this case not too late due to some capable leaders - but it was probably the last chance to learn and to understand.


the ukraine war, many other wars in the meantime, the russian nuclear threat or the climate change show clearly - mankind is not ready to handle the complexity and to save the planet within time. people currently in charge are in best case ready to save their vanity and their narcissism to gain more power and that's it.


so lets hope for nothing because it clearly exists no global insight. free elections, free speech for ALL individuals are still not common

and there is no sign anyone or anything can or will change that apart from a truly united and worldwide accepted and respected UN which does not exist - i doubt it will ever!

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"Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose."....

Yeah, I am not sure what makes Donnie think he can win against Biden *this time*...... And it's not like his popularity has increased since then..... Personally, I hope the republican party smartens up, and runs just about anyone else...... but, not holding my breath on that.



i see no chance that this happens soon or even ever. the best indicator is that trump and maga still works for no reason and the fact that at least one american apart from trump believes in the power of such slogans and believes this slogan or anything hiding behind is relevant or rational at all is a clear sign that americans the world is not ready.


as long as alternative facts are accepted or treated like facts and leaders can misuse their power like that without consequences while treating integrity as an empty hull nothing can and will ever change to the better - not for any party or any country on this planet! like in 1933, we all learned extremely late but in this case not too late due to some capable leaders - but it was probably the last chance to learn and to understand.


the ukraine war, many other wars in the meantime, the russian nuclear threat or the climate change show clearly - mankind is not ready to handle the complexity and to save the planet within time. people currently in charge are in best case ready to save their vanity and their narcissism to gain more power and that's it.


so lets hope for nothing because it clearly exists no global insight. free elections, free speech for ALL individuals are still not common

and there is no sign anyone or anything can or will change that apart from a truly united and worldwide accepted and respected UN which does not exist - i doubt it will ever!


Yeah, the UN is pretty useless. They have no authority, and no credibility either. I don't see that changing any time soon.


I don't ever see the world being 'unified' either. We have too many differences for that to happen. Unless/until there is some 'outside' threat, that rallies us together.... we will remain a tribal society, that only serves to kill each other off. Or all of us.....

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"I don't ever see the world being 'unified' either. We have too many differences for that to happen. Unless/until there is some 'outside' threat, that rallies us together.... we will remain a tribal society, that only serves to kill each other off. Or all of us....."


Which is why we're at the point of not even caring anymore and looking out for our own. On the Titanic and it finally hits us that we are going down with the ship. We cue the band to play one last song and bid everyone a dignified "Adieu". It is out of our hands now- or at least that's the sentiment I keep hearing from individuals.

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"I don't ever see the world being 'unified' either. We have too many differences for that to happen. Unless/until there is some 'outside' threat, that rallies us together.... we will remain a tribal society, that only serves to kill each other off. Or all of us....."


Which is why we're at the point of not even caring anymore and looking out for our own. On the Titanic and it finally hits us that we are going down with the ship. We cue the band to play one last song and bid everyone a dignified "Adieu". It is out of our hands now- or at least that's the sentiment I keep hearing from individuals.


I have no doubt that the human race will bring about their own downfall, I just wish they would wait until after I was dead. :D (and NOT because of the A bomb going off nearby. :D)


I'm sure that's what all the UFOs are about. It's the aliens coming to see if we have killed ourselves off yet. They wanna watch the show. :D

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  • 3 months later...

i better do not comment how republicans handle the trump case so far. it is definitely not the democrats fault. for me it seems to be their wish to fall and celebrate the the loss faith and trust while acting as clowns. how can anyone support a candidate who was in charge during the capitol attack and acted this strange way (to say it nice) ?


i do not understand and see no fundamental changes or consequences after the 6th of jan...


the u.s. democrat party deserve an opponent in 2024 that can be trusted. so is it a goal to let democracy end in the u.s. ? and if not why do republican party still acts like the 6th jan capitol attack did not happen ? is this farce serious ? it is not even worth a nomination for the Golden Raspberry Award!

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