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Question #1: 10/01/2005


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I think it is a great idea because it can be frustrating sometimes goin back and forth and back and forth......i think you got the idea but anyway it should save some time an those annoying quests where you have to go to 3 places all completly out of your way.
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Frankly, I don't care one way or another. I would rather it be in their, however.

As I recall (heh, sort of a pun), you don't have to use it. If you would hate to use it so much, don't use it, but then once you need to go to PLace X, From PLace Y, to meet Person Q, SO he can go to Place W with you. Saves a lot of time in my humble opinion. You can cheese to fast travel there, or just walk there, or walk halfway, and then teleport, or teleport there, and walk back.

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In my oppinion, this should be enabled.


It would be a great adition, similar to the silt striders, but different.


The part that I do not like is the idea that, whenever i walk from Balmora to Caldera, theres always one or two random fights. When I teleport... Will there be random fights in between? If so, then i would use it, it would be quite worth it.


I think of it like sleeping. You wake up and some bandit is attacking you.

If fast travel would be like sleeping, then go for it! If it allows you to skip billions of random fights, then it could be considered a cheat.


Just my 2 mexican pesos

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I have to say about morrowind, the only thing i really liked was that you had to travel and think about your rout before you set of you could sheer time down by finding new ways to get from point a to point b and short cuts usualy meant you found a new tomb to exlpiot are a bandit hide out to plunder, i think that giving ppl the option to just arrive at point b takes all the fun out of the game,

not only that but charctors get lazy if they dont have to travel around and explore their suroundings.

maybe its just me but i think that a game like morrowind and oblivion was desighned to be explored not ignored.

I leave it to the individual though to find there way in a game and each to there own when it comes to travel, maybe it will be a good thing to be able to zoom somwere but maybe the could restrict it, maybe give you a ring of map travel that can only be used twice a day are somthing. :D

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well im not gonna quote anyone my opinions are based souly on playng games not somthing i read in a magazine are read on this site, all my knoledge comes from playing games like morrowind its not such a large problem if fast travel is placed into oblivion, fast travel is somthing that a player will use if he/she feels they realy need to like upon completion of a quest are if you simply want to start a game in a city rather than out in the plains when you turn your game off and go make a cuppa are take a long awaited bath that you have been promising yourself for the past three weeks but you have had niether the desire nor the inclination to do so, are simply you need to eat because you may well die of starvation.

Fast travel should be left to the player to decide upon not realy the developer.

The way i see it anyway all games no matter the hype will alays let you down in some way are another, i like to play a game when it rolls of the shelf and then dicide about its future rather than listen to ppl slate the script right out of it.

oblivion would be good as a multi player if you could build yourself a small kingdom and rage war upon your friends, that would make a game rather more interesting, instead of a silly little story line that lasts a few days and then your left scratching your rectum wondering what the hell to do next lol. :laugh2:

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