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DnD=The devil worship?


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Bah, I find this a bunch of crock. Who, honestly now, worships Satan because they have played something like Dungeons and Dragons? this is just something some zealot christian who way too much spare time cooked up. And if you think of it, is there anything you can do that does not involve anytihng unchristian? Or even immoral? I can't tihnk of anything, besides sitting in the middle of a blank room, doing nothing. And even that may be sacrilegious in some religions.

No, I frankly do not believe it is Devil Worship, nor should it be thought of as such. It is a fun game, and should not be thoguht of as any different.

It is a game, and you should not try to find hidden secrets about religion in it.


Just a thought, but why would these creators of games want to convert the majority of the people playing them to a Satanic Cult? The author states in another article about that they capture young people's minds and make them evil. If you believe this, please note, only old crazy women that blame McDOnalds for being Fat, or a video game store for making her children have ADHD would believe this crock. FIrst Mcdonalds, then Video game stores, now D&D and MTG?

I get the feeling that Nerds are the new age witches of old, who were burnt at stake.

ANd that scares me.

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Not only is it untrue, but it's absolutely stupid. Anyone who bothered to look through a rulebook for more than a couple minutes would realize that the game has nothing to do with devil worship. Unfortunately, the people running that site do not live in the same world that we do. There's no point in debating it, anyone who can think D&D involves devil worship is going to be so lacking in common sense and intelligence that all you can do is watch and laugh.


It's kind of amusing in a sad way though, the stupidity involved. For all their fears about people being corrupted by the game and losing sight of reality, they sure do it a lot themselves. They're the only ones who think D&D magic is real, that rolling a few dice can actually summon a demon.


So have some pity for these poor, pathetic fools with their sad lives of hiding in eternal fear of devils. That's all you can do, really.

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I agree with Peregrine. I am a very religious Christian, and I have no problem in playing DND. There's absolutely nothing in the game that leads to Satan-worshipping, taking of the soul, etc...


Yes, there was one case in which someone tried to take their own life, but, as Gamespy explains:

James Dallas Egbert III was a deeply troubled young man. A genius with an IQ measured at 180, he suffered from overbearing parents who pushed him into college when he was 15 years old. In addition, he was afflicted by bouts of chronic depression, manufactured his own drugs to feed his habit, and was an untreated epileptic. Many of his problems may have stemmed from the lack of tolerance and social isolation...


And when people claim it takes up too much time - look at school. Look at work...

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Until the last paragraph, that article did a decent job of presenting unbiased responses. However, some of the QUESTIONS were leading. I didn't read anything else by the guy, so I can't comment on that.


The reason D&D was banned at the high school I attended: A student attempted to turn a teacher into a frog. Bear in mind, though, that it was a sped school.

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