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Any1 Have anything better than this!!!!!!


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He's just being a jerk to get attention, said so himself, he enjoys being insulted, and you all played right into his drama. Letting him control you. It makes him feel special.


[ your psychology skill has increased to level 2 , you should rest and meditate on what you've learned]


However the quest discussion that came from this actually had some meaning,


Luthiel, your last comment, "you're an idiot" does NOT belong on a GAME FORUM!

Go to an INSULT FORUM! Try finding a support group for your personal problems, I think you're a wus, talking trash online, you wouldn't last five minutes in my neighborhood, toughguy.


I think you're annoying too. (Constructive Critism)

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Holy Hell, this is cool, i like being insulted, lol, and as for my age i am lying, i lie about almost everything, but i guess the only thing we all have in common is we agree that morrowind is a good, game, i am going into a somewhat half decent personal exile, and i will post only when i have the truth to tell, farewell  fellow gamers.!



yours truly

Luthiel Dragonsoul



I may be insane but at least i tel the truth!




yours truly

Luthiel Dragonsoul


Ok i'm confused you said youlie about everything and now you deny it. OMG you remined me of Kerry, He could never make up his mind.



And you are an idiot Luthiel because whatever you may say Peregrine doesn't "ahem ahem love you" if anything he hates you more then the world hated Stalin and Hitler. So stop bragging and grow up thats all i have to say.

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Aaanyway, this thread has deteriorated to pointless flaming and feeding of the trolls, and therefore...




*Sticks a "Please don't feed the troll!" sign into Luthiel's forehead*.

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