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Making Something Lava Proof


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I would like to make a piece of clothing/armor make the user "lava proof" as in take no damage from hostile waters. I cracked open my CS and thought the "resist water damage" effect would be a good place to start. However, it did not work nearly as planned as my character died within a few seconds. So I am asking, what do I need to do to make this work? I think the enchantment might need a script effect attached, but I have no experience scripting. If it is a script that needs to be done, please post it here or PM me so I can copy/paste it.


Thank you for reading and for your time and effort in advance.

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I pretty much asked the same question HERE maybe the information can help you as well.

Thank you for your great insight on the matter, this gives me a larger information base to work with and a more direct question to ask.


The new question... Here is the script that would be used to give a monster 100% resistwaterdamage, otherwise lava proof. Now, what would I do to modify the script so an equipped piece of equipment would give the player character this effect.


Here is the script I am talking about, with full credit and regards to DragoonWraith.


scn LavaImmune


Begin GameMode


SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 100




I personally would think that the "Begin GameMode" part would have to be changed to achieve the effect I am searching for.


Thanks for your time and effort in advance.

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no, it should be fine tbh.. my specilty is quest scrips, not to formilar with spells, but i blieve it should work, just save it as a spell type, and then add the enchantment to a robe or something (make a custom robe, farily easy to do)


and then attach it.. that would work in theory...



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Brilliant! With a bit of my own technical intuition, along with the always helpful help of others, I have discovered how to lava-proof items! I would be glad to share my script with you and how to integrate it into an item.


1. Alright, first go to the "armor" section in your CS.


2. For this tutorial, I'll use the "ebony boots" feel free to use whatever you like.


3. Select your item and a menu will pop up.


4. Go to script and hit the box with the "..." inside of it.


5. This makes a new script, start by setting the script type to "object"


6. Insert the following script...


scn LavaImmuneItem 

Begin OnEquip Player

Player.SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 100


Begin OnUnEquip Player

Player.SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 0


Save the script. Attach It to your item and make a new .esp file. Congrats, you have "lava-proofed" your item!


Use this script anyway you want it as I don't think I can claim credit for a script. Unless you feel like putting my name in the credits for the "lava-proof" script. I am glad I have an oppurtunity to share this with you as it has enhanced my gaming experience and I hope it can help you as well.

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Set the first part into a begin onEquip and then set the part about setting back to 0 in a begin onUnequip. So it would look something like below:


scn LavaImmune


Begin onEquip


SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 100




Begin onUnequip


SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 0



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Set the first part into a begin onEquip and then set the part about setting back to 0 in a begin onUnequip. So it would look something like below:


scn LavaImmune


Begin onEquip


SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 100




Begin onUnequip


SetActorValue ResistWaterDamage 0




Oh boy, you posted this just as I was re-editing my last post. Thanks very much but I have figured it out on my own. I thought "equip" hmm... maybe I should make a jump here and use "UnEquip". Turns out I was right! Not bad for a first script, ehh?

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awesome, it always feels good when you figure out a problem on your own


Yes, that it does. Now I am much more interested in what else I can do with scripting as it seems there is quite a bit out there. Perhaps I would make a mod based off of this if I expanded the concept and customize it somehow. Anyways, jefe323, I've read about your competition mod and from what I have seen it looks like it could be the best yet! (unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot to compete with)

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