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Which Tribunal Member...


Of the three members of ALMSIVI, who was the most "cracked"?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Of the three members of ALMSIVI, who was the most "cracked"?

    • 1-Almalexia
    • 2-Sotha Sil
    • 3-Vivec

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(Note - this is a humor oriented poll, which is only roughly halfway serious)


The Tribunal is clearly cracked, that much is obvious.. but whose train has lost the most cars over the years?


Is it.. Almalexia? Let's review her bio - Enjoys surrounding herself with shiny Ordinators in skirts, dresses like an amazonian queen, wears a mask with tusks no less, seeks dominion over all of Morrowind by using.. ash storms..?!? Also enjoys making a big speech that you can barely hear over the machinery sounds in Sotha Sil's dome..unless you either A) turn the volume WAY up or B) turn on subtitles.


Is it... Sotha Sil? Let's review his bio - Used to enjoy, leading children into a pool of lava to teach them "Fire Shield" (read some of the books in the game..won't tell which ones :grin: ) Also enjoyed taunting Almalexia earlier in life (in hindsight, maybe not a good idea). Apparantly enjoys stripping off his robes and hanging from his ceiling in a sadistic fashion. Seems to have lost both legs at some point, probably testing out the Scroll of Icarian Flight. His pets are...robot dinosaurs and scorpions...antisocial to the max.


Is it... Lord Vivec? Let's review his bio - Enjoys taking off his fine clothes and pulling a plow like a guar. Apparantly enjoyed being half naked so much he deciced never to put those fine clothes back on again.... had an inappropriate relationship with a Daedric God which led to multiple illigetimage children. Seems to enjoy floating Buddha-like on a small triangular platform.. growls like an Ascended Sleeper, and wears mismatched shoulder pads. Also seems to have painted himself to attend a football game.



So who takes the prize? They're all three clearly more cracked than Dagoth Ur himself...


EDIT : So as not to be a topic of total spam, this is the serious subsection - which member of the Tribunal, in your opinion from collected facts in the game, was most responsible for the treachary against Lord Nervarar at Red Mountain?

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I'll go with Vivec. That whole Daedric God affair was just plain creepy. :tongue2:


As for the one most responsible, I'm not 100% sure... I would imagine Almalexia, she seems like the most manipulative of the three, she could have easily persuaded them to betray Nerevar. :wink2:

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Sotha Sil.


Most normal, well-adjusted males grow out of their Lego-obsession at some point and don't graduate towards building giant blenders to keep out unwanted visitors and robots to keep them company....

Sotha Sil was a sociopath - living in someone else's basement, spurning human contact, being a mad inventor, having the stereotypical megalomaniac overlord wannabe's hidden base from where to plot world domination...



Almalexia and Vivec are simply exploring alternative lifestyles...

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Come, come - you are being very unfair. They have been immortal for a long time. You may not judge them in human terms. If you've done everything obvious once, you have to do that which isn't - hence 'unusual' relationships etc..


BTW I would assume Sotha Sil probably had a rather more normal aspect until Almalexia tortured him.


No, they are all perfectly sane for immortals who can do what they like. From my mortal perspective the one we are best rid of is Almalexia because she is still impacting on everyday life. The others...

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I think its Almelexia because Vivec doesn't try to kill you because you found out a nasty little secret of his, and Sotha Sil? Well... he just likes 'hangin out' watching you get your arse get kicked by some female dog thats becomes obsessed with magical-city domination (I hope she knows that she wont get far out of Mournhold by walking >.< ) and torturing child-hood friends because they poked a little fun at her and she couldn't vent it off by drowning some scribs. I think that Almelexia is the nuttiest nut in the crunchy peanut jar. Plus she has a cool slamy sword that she doesn't deserve.
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