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The search function is not functional


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Showler is more or less right.


Considering the size of our community and the reach of the website we actually have a very small team (22 full time staff, not all developers!). It's a matter of priority with the resource we have.


I feel your pain about the search as our moderators and I use it more than perhaps any other users. The problem is that the forum is very much a "black box" of very old code from a long unsupported version of IPBoard. I daresay it's a feat that it can still function at the scale of our site - supporting potentially hundreds of thousands of concurrent users probably wasn't a common occurrence when it was built.


It's not a simple case of there being a fix that the devs just aren't having the time to apply. Any work on the forum requires extensive research/investigation and may require further "hacks" and customisation on top of the aging codebase which isn't something we really want to do unless it's unavoidable.


Sometimes programming can be a house of cards too. If they fix search, it might break something else that was more important which sucks even more time away from building the cool new features that everyone wants - like a new comment system with a working search.


My personal hope is, if we can decouple the last few systems from the forum then it can be go back to being "just a forum" rather than the backbone of the entire site. From there we can look at migrating the data somewhere new or upgrading the latest IPBoard (I think it's called Invision Community now) without the risk of borking everything. How that looks depends on where we are when the time comes though.

I would rather have the current features actually working, before new bells and whistles were added......



I get it, I do.


I'm only making an estimate here but the number of users in the community who actually use the forum search are probably very small compared to users who, say, download files or comment on mod pages or endorse content. So if the choice was to fix comments or fix the forum search, you can understand which one has priority. The forum doesn't collect any analytics on the search so I can't give any exact numbers, I'm just going with what I know from talking to users.


We've not formally announced it yet, but we're actually working on an urgent database migration that will involve taking the website down for what may be an entire day. Details to follow in the site news. Suffice to say we're focused on getting that right before we can pick up the QoL fixes again.

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Showler is more or less right.


Considering the size of our community and the reach of the website we actually have a very small team (22 full time staff, not all developers!). It's a matter of priority with the resource we have.


I feel your pain about the search as our moderators and I use it more than perhaps any other users. The problem is that the forum is very much a "black box" of very old code from a long unsupported version of IPBoard. I daresay it's a feat that it can still function at the scale of our site - supporting potentially hundreds of thousands of concurrent users probably wasn't a common occurrence when it was built.


It's not a simple case of there being a fix that the devs just aren't having the time to apply. Any work on the forum requires extensive research/investigation and may require further "hacks" and customisation on top of the aging codebase which isn't something we really want to do unless it's unavoidable.


Sometimes programming can be a house of cards too. If they fix search, it might break something else that was more important which sucks even more time away from building the cool new features that everyone wants - like a new comment system with a working search.


My personal hope is, if we can decouple the last few systems from the forum then it can be go back to being "just a forum" rather than the backbone of the entire site. From there we can look at migrating the data somewhere new or upgrading the latest IPBoard (I think it's called Invision Community now) without the risk of borking everything. How that looks depends on where we are when the time comes though.

I would rather have the current features actually working, before new bells and whistles were added......



I get it, I do.


I'm only making an estimate here but the number of users in the community who actually use the forum search are probably very small compared to users who, say, download files or comment on mod pages or endorse content. So if the choice was to fix comments or fix the forum search, you can understand which one has priority. The forum doesn't collect any analytics on the search so I can't give any exact numbers, I'm just going with what I know from talking to users.


We've not formally announced it yet, but we're actually working on an urgent database migration that will involve taking the website down for what may be an entire day. Details to follow in the site news. Suffice to say we're focused on getting that right before we can pick up the QoL fixes again.


Granted, Search likely is NOT one of the 'most used' features here...... and I understand the priorities, it's just frustrating when I am trying to find something/someone, and the site search doesn't work. Sure, creative use of google can work around finding 'something', however, searching members via google just doesn't seem to want to work.... :D

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I've got another issue. This one has been there for years, but nowadays it's starting to become particularly grating.

If I edit posts, sometimes, they get all messed up with the appearance, as soon as I click the edit button, of weird formatting, such as
<P> everywhere

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I've got another issue. This one has been there for years, but nowadays it's starting to become particularly grating.


If I edit posts, sometimes, they get all messed up with the appearance, as soon as I click the edit button, of weird formatting, such as

<P> everywhere


Is this when you try to edit Nexus Forum posts or when you try to edit Mod Comments posts using the Nexus Forums interface?

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When I edit mods from inside mod's pages.

I would also like to add that the same issue with formatting happens if I try to publish a mod - the descriptions gets all messed up.

I also want to report an issue to the Admins.

Take a look at this post here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=8514478/&do=findComment&comment=120305380
and here

Same post, but while in the forum it appears correctly, it doesn't in the "main page".

Edited by Dario1980
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If you make a post on the forum you should only edit it on the forum and vice versa. Chopping and changing between the two editors causes this problem.

Thanks, I didn't know that. If you can, please take a look at this https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12346058-the-search-function-is-not-functional/page-4&do=findComment&comment=120310360


It seems that writing

convienience = convenience

makes some gibberish spawn in my post

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Hmm, editing it via the forum looks like it should work properly, were you editing it on the site?

Sorry, I had posted the wrong link.


I rephrase.


I tried to post on the mod's page and the following words


appear out of nowhere if I write "conveienience = convenience"


If I try to edit the post via forum or via the mod's page, the gibberish "Cjavascript" is not shown at all.



Edited by Dario1980
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