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Well, firstly, don't start. It give you cancer, destroys your lungs, makes your breath smell, stains your fingers and severely reduces your life expectancy.

My opinion is very biased, in case you hadn't noticed.

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What you should know is that it's more addictive than heroine. The government refuses to regulate tobacco to certain stores as they do with alcohol, meaning that it is available at any store or gas station you visit. That makes it almost imposable to quit. Our government gets more than 17 billion dollars a year from taxes on tobacco. Buy $5 worth of gas and you pay $5. The taxes on gas are included in the price. Cigarettes cost the manufacturer $0.32 a pack to produce, package and deliver. Everything above that amount is taxes yet you still have to pay taxes on the taxes when you purchase a pack. If you are old enough to post on these forums and you have decided to start smoking, you are an idiot.


You might as well be posting that you've decided to start playing Russian roulette alone with a fully loaded pistol. Try this for a few months, Cigarettes are around five dollars a pack, just burn a five dollar bill a day for a few months.

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Well, it's their choice. Someone wants to start smoking, they go in fully aware of the consequences.

Anyway, I'm not sure what you're asking - there's not much to know except not to go into the higher packs-a-day levels - or else you're screwed.

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Unless you are a smoker, and I am, you have no idea of what you are getting into. It is a habit you will regret the rest of your life and the addiction with all it's temptations will never leave you. Smoking makes you a second class citizen, it is one of the excepted ways that Americans can discriminate against. Some will tell you that it's a matter of choice, I say it's a matter of stupidity. I come from a generation where smoking was considered classy. People smoked in the grocery stores and stores like Roses and Sears had ashtrays on the support beams throughout the store. Cigarettes were actually $0.32 a pack and anyone could buy them. I started smoking at age twelve and I bought my own cigarettes. Today we know how dangerous they are, we know that the price will rise and the places you are allowed to smoke will vanish. Please don't be stupid, don't start.
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Two reason why smoking is cool:


Ian Curtis:



Bill Hicks


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