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bethesda's "mods" menu handling load order now? where is my vortex plugins tab?


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Alright I'm sure this is just something stupid I'm just missing this time around, but i reinstalled fallout 4 and now my plugins tab is missing from vortex and the only way i can enable mods and change my load order is from the main menu of the game itself by clicking the "mods" menu (which from what i recall used to only be for using the bethesda.net mods which i DON'T USE at all btw) and then clicking the load order button at the bottom... It's frustrating as well because I'll enable a mod in vortex and then i have to go in and enable it in the game because there is no plugins tab at the bottom left like there definitely used to be.... WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME??? I just want the vortex plugins tab back and honestly i could care less if the bethesda.net mods entry was forever deleted from my game if it avoided this issue in the future....


It's also causing other issues with installing certain mods with installers, because they cannot tell that i have all the DLC installed for some reason, I'm assuming this is because vortex doesn't handle those .esm files like it used to, but I'm not entirely sure if that's it or not because i can't figure out how to let vortex handle the plugins independently to test if that's the issue or not....


If some kind soul could help me I'd very much appreciate it. Please forgive me if I'm being a complete idiot.... But I've searched and i can't really find anything that is definitely related other than a person that said they didn't have a plugins tab and then it appeared after a reboot... And trust me i have tried rebooting.... I've tried re-installing vortex.... I haven't tried reinstalling the game because god i really don't want to do that...

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Heyas Tox, welcome to the forums! :)


When you re-installed the game, did you use the default file pathing? IE: Let the game install itself? Or did you set it up for a custom folder?

If you went the route of the latter, you may need to repath Vortex.

I dunno vortex, I really need to start learning a lot more about it. If there is an option for "Add a new game" (or something like that) you could try that, and then direct it to your new custom location where you installed.


What I can add tho, is that the game's built in mod manager uses a different file system than vortex does. It can handle downloaded mods (bethesda.net) or mods that you have installed manually. Basic functions such as remove, activate, de-activate, and change load order.


But again, it uses a different file system than vortex does.

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Wow guys, so no bs I installed MO2, just to see if it had the same problem or not and it worked fine. So i was briefly considering just switching to it but i already have 2 full profiles configured on vortex one for a new game and one that's compatible with my old setup (well, everything accept the couple mods i couldn't install because of this issue and some small load order changes i wanted to make but couldn't because of this issue). So i checked back here to see your ideas and i reopened vortex; and THERE IT WAS! My missing plugins tab! I honestly have no idea what Mod Organizer could have done (if it did anything at all) but it seems like installing it might have been what fixed my problem and i can just use vortex like i wanted now....


But just so you know i do have fallout installed on a separate SSD and i did have to set that up when i installed vortex so that all of my mods were on the same disk. I thought this could be what the problem was as well, although i thought maybe vortex itself needed to be installed on the same disk or some setting needed to be enabled allowing this.... I honestly wish i could tell what exactly happened but nothing changed inside the game dir itself, the last "modified" file was a file called "vortex.deployment.dinput.json" and i honestly don't know but it seems to be a list of all the hardlinks and their destinations... Anyway.... Thanks for your help

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I'd be careful going forward, you are treading on mangled ground.

(Like walking in wilderness of messed up precombines). :ohmy:

(been there, done that) :ermm:


Check your %user%\appdata\fallout 4\ folder, you will find more than 1 plugins load order file I do not recall their exact designations offhand.

They read and write the load order differently and have their own files, or may be using one from another organizer.

IIRC NMM and the game are the same format, and MO2 and Vortex use the same format.

The latter is probably what "fixed" your problem IDK.

At any rate, to err is human, but if you really want to mess things up use a computer. :geek:

TLDR; Look before you leap, now is the best time to consider tearing it down and rebuilding with Absolute Certainty (Just Saying).

(At least clear out the chaff from the wheat). :cool:

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Personally I've never found Vortex to offer up the kind of game changing features that would make me switch from MO2.

Then again, I give two F's about the UI and bling. MO2 in a literally Windows 95 UI is fine by me - because what is behind the UI just does what it's supposed to each and every time. Only issues I had with MO in general were in the early stages - and they were user errors.

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