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Can't post comments on forum listings for mods


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The forum software acts as the "back end" for the comments pages on mods, articles and images. However, if you post using both the comments page and the forum it breaks the formatting really, really badly. So, any forum thread that is automatically generated in order to support a comments page for a mod, article or image has a block on it to prevent you from posting through the forums.


If you go to the first post, it will usually have a link to the correct place to add comments.


It's nothing you did wrong, it's just a limitation of the system.

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When posting from the forums on mod comments was allowed with the new (back then) Nexus Mods the forum posts broke the formatting , especially for the nested replies to posts.


You must use the mod's Nexus Mods Posts tab to either post or reply to topics in the mod's comments.


- Edit - Major :ninja: there Hey and Showler. Now I know why things went sideways when I hit post. :laugh:

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Thats good to know. I noticed that. Just need to figure out how to follow new posts or quote existing posts. Thanks.


On a Nexus Mods mod page Posts tab you will see a Reply button at the top right corner of the post you want to add your reply to. All of the replies on any particular post will nest under that original post.
On Nexus Forums you use the Quote button on the lower right of the post you want to make you reply to, and it will show the post you're replying to above your post (as I have done with this post). Make sure to click in the black area below the quoted post so that your reply is shown outside the grey box around the quoted text.
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