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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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now this is all true when your running a small little web community with 4 or 5 friends, but we're talking about thousands of people here, there can't just be one guy who does whatever they please, and that's just what you've defined, a plain simple monarchy, you do what you want, you are king? Why do believe this is the right thing, now I feel so oppressed right now because unlike the "US of A" we can't vote on our leaders, we have no say in how this site's systems function, we're just oppressed "citizens" in a communist nation. What the hell man? Now if you had a system like this:


Premium Members - Members who pay "taxes" should get to vote on their leaders: Admins and Moderators


Doesn't that at least put some control in the hands of the actual citizens? I mean right now we just have to take your way or the high way and that's freakin messed up.


Now I know I'm not a premium a member, but I would gladly pay to vote on the leaders of this site, that would make some sense.


Ah what the hell, it doesn't matter now, after voicing my opinion, I'm obviously going to be banned just like everyone else who tries to open their mouth about anything. God, this is so so so messed up.

Premium Members should get to vote on their Admins and Moderators....................................... lol ;D ............very very bad idea in my opinion :smile:

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Premium Members should get to vote on their Admins and Moderators....................................... lol ;D ............very very bad idea in my opinion :smile:


Care to justify your position or are you just sucking up?

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"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."


Thumbs rating system(or something similar?) sounds good.


Although I would suggest only make the Thumbs up choice, because thumbs down rating could be discouraging for many modders. Afterall, I'm just a guy who downloads mods(for free) that are full of other people's hard work.


Anyways, we should at least give it a try.


What if it doesn't work out?


Well, our fallout community leaders are very open minded people, I'm sure they will try their best to fix the issue.

Edited by csguak
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Premium Members should get to vote on their Admins and Moderators....................................... lol ;D ............very very bad idea in my opinion :smile:


Care to justify your position or are you just sucking up?


I'll vouch for UK, he actually cares about our community and this site's role in it and no one should have to justify their opinion unless presented as fact.


I happen to agree though, robin runs a tight ship and doesn't hire crew on a whim. The last thing this community needs is a way for any nit wit with 20$ have say in something they couldn't careless about.


Tell you what, if you buy a lifetime membership and write a 10,000 word essay about where you see this community in 10 years and how we will get there and provide proof of membership on at least three sites( including this one) with positive community participation in no less than 5000 total posts then you can have a vote as to who holds power here.


I myself fall short of that standard by about 3500 posts so I've got a lot of dues left to pay before I even consider myself worthy let alone some jackass with a credit card.

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I'm not taking sides here, but he's not a troll if he's just trying to get his opinion out, you've just got to listen, which you've shown by the countless bannings that you're not willing to. Again, not taking sides. *Goes back to sit in the stands and watch*

Also, thumbs up/down system is fine with me.

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I'm not taking sides here, but he's not a troll if he's just trying to get his opinion out, you've just got to listen, which you've shown by the countless bannings that you're not willing to. Again, not taking sides. *Goes back to sit in the stands and watch*

Also, thumbs up/down system is fine with me.



His opinion was out with his first post, he would like his opinion to be paramount and that is what is getting him banned. You'll notice he has still been given the chance to learn from this and act right with the next account he creates because his IP hasn't been banned. That says a lot for Buddah because he is giving him chance after chance to straighten up and fly right. I'm quite sure many of the people banned for saying something immature and stupid are given many chances to rejoin under a new name with a clean slate and only the admin knows that that IP once ported stupidity. Everyone deserves a chance to learn from their mistakes and if they really love this community they'll get it right and if not, well good riddance to bad rubbish.

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