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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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yes, and it was when i said it twice over already.


Pull the stick out of your butt, I quoted the most recent iteration of it.


Next time I'll be sure to say

That Thumbs Up Idea By "Verbal Earthworm" is a pretty good idea


If people are going to be this childish over an idea that's being tossed around, how can we ever expect people to

vote like adults here?


Now back on topic

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i didn't troll you, so don't flame me.


exactly what gives you any right to do so?


i simply corrected your mistake.


backtracking and namecalling is hardly "adult".


p.s. i can't begin to imagine why you choose to view me as a child with a stick up their bum, the mind boggles.

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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@Verbal Earthworm & HadToRegister


Lighten up. The only one who really has any say as to what the new rating system is will be Dark One.


That said, this thread is about changes to allowing or not allowing people to ask for votes for file of the month. Dark One has asked for opinions. There is no ruling on this yet.


My usual response to a flame war is to ban em all.


Bben46, Moderator

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if a mod description includes links for file of the month or kudos i tend not to click it.


this is simply because those links already exist on the same page.


if i wanted to give someone a file of the month rating, i would, having what some consider a "helpful" reminder comes across as rather needy and patronising.


if i found the website, i think i can click an already obvious link...


the same goes for kudos, i give kudos to any member i deem worthy of it for myriad reasons. i also take kudos away again if i change my mind. asking for kudos defeats the object entirely and is rather cheeky.


i tend to use the Files of the Month link to peruse the top candidates, then vote accordingly, favouring underdogs as a general rule.

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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Apologies to Verbal Earthworm.


I'm not in the best of moods today and didn't take your quote

as correcting a mistake, so I got fired up.


Apologies for the misunderstanding




Just checked out the 5 files in line for File of the Month.


All of them ask people to Vote for them as File of the Month.

Edited by HadToRegister
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A thumbs down isn't even needed except to remove your thumbs up.


Pretty good idea, as it would take the wind out of the sails

of any potential "down-rater"


This is indeed a good idea!


One more thought about removing the rating from the forums is that a lot of people ask questions with their rating but it seems that many of them never bother to come back to check for available answers on there question.

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Admittedly I asked a few people for votes near the beginning of the month. But I never really expected it to result in anything more than a Number 5 place for a few days. When it got about 4 votes and entered as Number 5 it got exposure to the community that it otherwise may not have received for months. I put a message at the top of the file thanking those who had been so kind as to vote - drawing example from loads of other files on the database. Appologies for any misconduct on my part, the thank you message has been removed.

My new way of saying thanks will manifest itself in the big update that's on its way which I think is altogether more fun for all involved!


With regard to the new rating system I would love to see something like what Ranokoa outlined earlier. Something similar to a form where you can rate a file on different aspects. No mod is going to get 10/10 in all areas, not even DLCs can do that. So a break down in the ratings would be very, very cool.

Edited by The Real Neraverine
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it would be nice to have a detailed breakdown of each aspect of a mod but it seems mostly redundant.


many mods aren't complex enough to warrant it.


if all a mod does is make gun A fire ammo C instead of B, who would want to complete a detailed post-mortem in multiple ratings?


fighting complexity with complexity is very...complex.


simplicity is the way forward.


however, i commend modders such as "The Real Neraverine" for recognising this threads true purpose and preempting the removal of "File of the Month" vote requests by removing it themselves.


surely if all other modders followed suit, this thread need not even exist?


i would hope that the Nexus community is capable of self-governing behaviour without need for rule changes.

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