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Broken Toe... =[


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So, I just broke my toe today. Pretty much all of my plans for the weekend are shot, as I can barely walk on it (I got it set tonight... Worst experience ever. :( )


Anyways, I need something that is quiet and relaxing to do on this long weekend (besides video games, of course ^_^ ).


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance.





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I'd recommend working through some visual novels and reading.
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Find your favorite movie (or buy/order a new one), invite some friends over and order a pizza/ thai (or whatever you like) food and have a nice time! ^^ (I always do that when my plans are ruined).

Or (if you have a garden though) you can go outside and tan yourself! :3



Hope it helps, Birrii


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Do not try bowling! this is paramount.


Cheers gman021 :) (I hope never knowing how you did manage to broke the toe)


remember things could be worse, you could have broken the left mid finger (what implies you'd have to move like a crab in most games (oh, yes, I did read you were looking for something not viedeogame, but...)


Anyway, you must aways look for the bright side of life (hmmm, sounded less than an original statement). Soon you'll be poking that toe where you shouldn't again.


hugs, me

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Thanks everyone!


@ Birri: I would do that, but sadly, the only way I can get a tan, is if I get burned. I'm that fair skinned. :dry:


@ nosisab: Do you want to know how I broke it? Just curious.


Also, it is true that things could have been worse. The only think that I'm irked about, is that it broke the day of my last Rugby match of the season. :(


Ah well. I could always watch the England vs. Australia match...

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Wait, does this have anything to do with Broken Steel? You broke your toe playing Broken Steel, didn't you?
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