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[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R


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Compound that with the increasing issues with the site itself. Six months ago I could hop on the site and browse the mods with ease and pleasure and only on rare occasions would I have to reload a page because it wouldn't load. Things have been steadily getting worse since then. And this week it's been constant outages and down time.

Six months ago you couldn't do that at all. The news posts with my apologies will attest to that. The sites haven't been right since Skyrim was launched. People seem to get it in their heads that because we've released something somewhere else on the network that this has compounded the issue or made things worse. It's a bit like telling the UI artist at Microsoft to stop releasing patches until they've fixed all the security issues. The UI artist has no role to play in that side of Windows/Office/whatever and is going to continue to work on what he knows while the people who work on bug fixing continue to work on theirs. Some things are just a lot slower to resolve than others. Only aside to this is the fact the recent site update broke everything for a few days until we could pin-down what it was (NMM DDoSing the servers) and resolve it. The problems experienced now are wholly different and utterly unrelated to adding more games/changing designs/adding functionality.

I'm sorry, couldn't do what exactly six months ago? Browse the site with ease? I could and I did. I was able to go from Skyrim Nexus to New Vegas Nexus to FO3 Nexus and all the others that were in the drop down list. So I'm not sure what you're saying I wasn't able to do. Unless you're speaking on specifically six months ago (I recall there was some issues earlier this year). The point I was making is that the issues have gotten far worse in the last couple months. My first assumption, at least in regards to the site, was that these issues are caused mostly from increased traffic. I've seen other sites that had a boom in population and all hell broke loose on their servers because it was more than the servers could handle and the issues I've seen here on Nexus are very similar, in some cases exactly, like the ones I saw on those sites. Like I say below, knowing the issue and knowing how to fix it aren't always the same.



Instead of adding more and more features, it's time to focus on ironing out the issues that currently exist. It's time to move NMM from "beta" to actual release.

We'll do it when we're ready to do it and not a moment before. Help from people sure would go a long way to making that day come a lot sooner. Can you help?


I wish I could help more than just finding bugs. I understand basics of databases and how they interconnect, but when it comes to code I don't know much at all. Understanding how something works, or how it's supposed to work, is rarely the same as knowing how to fix whatever is wrong with it when it's not working. Even if you know the intracies of how it's supposed to work, if you don't know what the wrench is supposed to do, it doesn't help much.


I have appreciated your work on this site ever since I started using it. The integration with NMM is amazing and it's a dream come true for both modders and users. But there are issues. If I had the knowledge to lend a hand I can promise you I would have made the offer to help long ago. Just because I don't know how to code doesn't mean I don't know how something is supposed to work, though. It's like saying that a movie critic has no place critiquing a movie because they don't know how all the equipment works that makes a movie.

I'm sorry if you think I'm being harsh or mean or rude. I'm not. I'm being blunt, though. I don't know what your (or the team's) to-do list looks like and I'm not trying to imply I do with any statement I've made. What I do know is that from our end, the user's end, it looks like fixing some of NMM's issues is not very high on it. And from a user end, seeing a program in a beta state for over two years, when the program is effectively not in a beta state, feels like an excuse to blow off some of the issues. Again, I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I'm stating what it looks like from our end. All that said, whether it's tagged as beta or not, it works far more often than not and unless someone else comes up with a system that's as much better than yours as yours is than everyone else's, I will continue using NMM and the Nexus network.


On a side note, if I had the extra money I would very happily send donations and sub to the premium. I believe in backing those that do a good job and you and the Nexus team far exceed good. I hope that helps to better understand what I was saying in my first post.

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i cant download the nmm :sad:


What is happening (or not happening) when you click the "Download Now" button at "http://www.nexusmods.com/games/mods/modmanager/?"


You should be getting a dialogue box that asks if you want to save "Nexus Mod Manger". If not, try the following:


1) Check to make sure that the browser you are using is not blocking javascript from "www.nexusmods.com". Some browsers do this automatically. Sometimes it's a plug-in that's doing it.

2) Check to make sure that your AV is not blocking the download. Most AVs will warn you when they block, but many won't put up a warning until you tell them to in their options.

3) Check to make sure your router is not blocking the download. (Refer to your router's manual -usually a pdf file.)


If you are getting the dialogue box, but nothing happens when you click "save file", perform a search to see if NMM did indeed download somewhere, just not to your desktop.


If none of this works, ask again. Someone else may be able to help.

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I played offline for a while and then this morning (having some free time) I updated to .46. Now when I launch FNV I get to the point where I can continue playing a previous save. It crashes out every time. I've even tried going offline again.


Is this a known bug?

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I'm having some issues too. I have only just recently got into modding skyrim and for some reason absolutely nothing happens when I try to download a mod using the nmm. I click on the link even when my nexus mod thingy is up and still nothing happens. I can't download any mods.... Have I missed something in the writing above? Has anyone else experienced this?? I NEED HELP


Edited by falconrider23
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I'm having some issues too. I have only just recently got into modding skyrim and for some reason absolutely nothing happens when I try to download a mod using the nmm. I click on the link even when my nexus mod thingy is up and still nothing happens. I can't download any mods.... Have I missed something in the writing above? Has anyone else experienced this?? I NEED HELP



Actually, from Christmas day through this morning, I couldn't download any mods either (failed out after 5 retries on each download attempt.)


I'm thinking maybe just the downloads were unavailable due to traffic. I just now tried another download and it worked fine.


Try yours again to see if it works. If not, try the following:

1) Make sure you have the newest NMM. It is currently 0.46.0. Download the installation to your desktop and install. If you have a previous version, don't worry. This should install right over it.

2) If you already have ver. 46, make sure your AV isn't blocking the download.

3) Check to make sure your browser and/or router isn't blocking the download.

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Hello to all! I'm extremely new at modding, though I have done a bit of background homework, and I understand how the NMM works (I think). The installation is fine, everything gets downloaded. The problem is when I activate the mod, it doesn't pop-up in the plug-ins section. Have I done something wrong? Does part of the new version of NMM stop it from showing? Any help would be very much appreciated. :)



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