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Pirates Cove - Trying to revive this mod!


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Sorry, for some reason I never got notified or completely missed you're asking for permission! BY ALL MEANS, get this thing going...I never created interior spaces because I had no idea what direction to take the mod... It's kind of my frustration mod of "wtf no pirate cities" I'll build my own. I was in the process of learning how to create NPCs and get them to do fun things around the town, but when I go in game some of them freak out and run off somewhere, some of them do what they're suppose to. Anyway, I'd be willing to build interior spaces, I'm good at building, not so much at anything else mod related.

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I'm not 100% sure but I think its just an .esp? I've attached the .esp in an .rar file. let me know if it works. I'm going to be very busy for the next 3-4 days with finals so I won't have time to contribute much until maybe Tuesday.



EDIT: So in retrospect, I suppose I shouldn't just post the level design here for all the lurkers to download lmao. If you want to see the mod or help contribute, just shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to send it to you. Just want to have a good grasp on how many people want to get involved or are just curious :)

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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That's great I can make meshes for weapons and maybe armors if needed, also are we going to build a story line around this place and quests, sea of ghosts?



I can do interiors and help write dialogue?

I don't know who is going to lead this project, I have no idea how to organize it mod-wise. Perhaps Andy will be able to do that once he's done with finals?

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Well first off we'd have to get interiors working before I can add all the NPC's of course. There really isn't a need for "everyone work at the same time" more like stepwise (interiors > npc's > armor/weps > quests > voice acting) if we ever get that far. I'm getting better with setting up NPCs and behavioral AI and giving them daily routines and stuff so I'll get those done once interiors are finished (no idea how to create levels and cells) I can populate the areas. As for unique armors and weps I can whip up very decent textures and am beginning to learn to mesh so I'll see how it goes. I'm planning to learn to script quests,but honestly it might be a bit out of my league, I'll try to figure it out though. Edited by AndyTheLegend
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I'd like to help as much as I can. I can help with Interior Building and some Voice Acting. I'm not too good with meshing, though I might have a few pirate-related meshes somewhere.


Off-Topic : Holy s***, this topic got a lot of comments fast.

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