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Pirates Cove - Trying to revive this mod!


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Dude that pirate sword is out of control awesome. One thing that's definitely missing from that pirate town is skulls and crossbones... could you make flags and doors and maybe even tattoo textures with skull and cross bones?


Haha, I actually have a few textures I whipped up from back in the City of Scum days. I actually drew up the icon I'm currently using

<--------------- This one.

Its a skull with two horker tusks. It was supposed to be a Pirate flag for the "Blood Horkers" a faction that was going to be in City of Scum.

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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So I'll start the Inn today. Ran out of time yesterday, unexpected family visit, but I'll PM it to anyone who wants to see it when I'm finished

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I would really like to get involved. I only have experience of creating interiors, which other people have offered to do.

Would it be possible to post a list of all interiors which could be updated to say which ones are being worked on? Perhaps a 'Sticky post' on this thread? Then we could choose one or two to work on without any duplication or wasted effort.

Maybe you could do this for other aspects of the mod as well. It might help with the organisation which I imagine will get very complicated as more people get involved.


Best wishes for your efforts! :thumbsup:

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Would it be possible to post a list of all interiors which could be updated to say which ones are being worked on?


Yeah, I was thinking about that. If you're working on any interiors, I'd appreciate it if you post a screenshot of the house/door (from the outside) just so others can know :)

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Problem here: I am having a HUGE performance drop when I head to the Cove in my game so I'm not sure how much I can help :/ I'll keep doing interior's but this is just a notice from my enjd

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Really? That's very interesting considering it is only comprised of Skyrim resources only. Riften buildings and some ships. In fact when I first created this mod I was testing it with an ENB running and had zero problems as far as framerate. Are you using a mod that changes the textures by chance? I have a mod that changed textures of all the major cities and I've noticed a huge performance dropped sometimes, including the Riften buildings.

Can anyone else confirm performance issues? I just assumed this was totally a non-issue.

(Edited because I quoted the wrong person DOH)


Edited by Artparker
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Would it be possible to post a list of all interiors which could be updated to say which ones are being worked on?


Yeah, I was thinking about that. If you're working on any interiors, I'd appreciate it if you post a screenshot of the house/door (from the outside) just so others can know :smile:


Andy, it might be a good idea to sticky this to the beginning of the thread along with some other basic rules to keep changes to the mod from conflicting.


On a further note, I refreshed myself with Pirates Cove and realized a big part of this city is that it is inside. If anyone notices there are many large structures and in my mind I picture a large dim-to-dark interior space as the center for pirate sale/trade/scum/trafficking also the city lacks gallows and cages. Considering the atmosphere and how harsh it is, punishment or death by being left outside is brutal and very pirate-esque.


I would think this large interior space would be taken on by a very good interior modder or split up by multiple modders who coordinate carefully on the consistency side. As far as I go, I have a single storage-room mod left over from City of Scum that can be used anywhere. Let me know if you want to see it Andy.


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Cheers

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Really? That's very interesting considering it is only comprised of Skyrim resources only. Riften buildings and some ships. In fact when I first created this mod I was testing it with an ENB running and had zero problems as far as framerate. Are you using a mod that changes the textures by chance? I have a mod that changed textures of all the major cities and I've noticed a huge performance dropped sometimes, including the Riften buildings.


Can anyone else confirm performance issues? I just assumed this was totally a non-issue.


(Edited because I quoted the wrong person DOH)




Not that I know of, no. I'll recheck my mods later and see what I can narrow it down to what may be causing it. It's kinda of annoying, TBH. It could be the sheer amount of buildings.

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Andy, it might be a good idea to sticky this to the beginning of the thread along with some other basic rules to keep changes to the mod from conflicting.


Uhmm I can't sticky since I switched accounts and had the moderators ban my first account, tehandyman, which is the OP of this thread lol.


Also about the performance issue thing, its curious, I didn't have any problems until about 15 minutes in, I think, I started to get random moments of really really low fps, I'm talking <1 fps. The moments would last about 3 seconds each and happen quite often, like every 10 seconds or so.


I run a pretty powerful ENB with Ultra High quality though so... idk if thats the problem.


I would think this large interior space would be taken on by a very good interior modder or split up by multiple modders who coordinate carefully on the consistency side. As far as I go, I have a single storage-room mod left over from City of Scum that can be used anywhere. Let me know if you want to see it Andy.


A large interior space sounds great actually. I was just thinking about implementing that. I'll leave it up to the interior modders where it should go and how it should look, like I said I'm pretty crap with level design. You could implement a ratway kind of feel, like an undercity thing, but considering its a town above water makes that a little problematic lol. It could be a network of caves inside the iceberg that its built onto, I guess, with one main room with a high ceiling, similar to the Ratway cistern.


Having an undercity would be just the right fix for the mod if performance issue turns out to be a real problem. But this would increase the workload considerably to the point where I think I'm going to need to read up on level designing so I could help out. We've got a few people who've offered to do interiors already so maybe its a non-issue. I'll work out a solid, clear mod team as soon as I'm done with my last final tomorrow, then I'll really get serious about making this thing happen :smile:

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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