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Fallout The Frontier JIP LN outdated message


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I just installed Fallout: The Frontier, and it keeps giving me a message claiming my version of JIP LN NVSE is outdated. I downloaded and installed all the vital stuff to get The Frontier up and running, but no matter what, it keeps saying JIP LN is outdated and I have to update it. I looked all over the Nexus and elsewhere and could have sworn I have the latest version of JIP LN.

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1. The Steam version, with all DLCs installed. I bought the game back in 2011 and have it patched, including YUP, NVAC, and the 4GB Patcher.

2. xNVSE version 6.2.9. If there's a newer version floating around, I've yet to hear about it.

3. Version 56.78 of JIP LN NVSE. Again, if there's a newer version, I'm not aware.


If that's not enough, I've also gotten the "Out of memory" crash for the first time. I'll admit, my laptop isn't the best gaming rig around. I tried installing a patch to fix the snow effects (Think that might be killing my framerate), I tried running on low graphics settings, and still keep getting the same crash.

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