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Best gaming computer for modding Oblivion?

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I hope I’m on the right forum for this topic. Forgive me if I’m not.


I’m in the hunt for a new gaming computer but want to also use it for regular computer stuff as usual. My last computer sucked for uploading mods because of all the blocks put on it somewhere deep within the settings. And I had to constantly download old files to the computer from various sites to get Oblivion mods to work on that computer.


So, what is the best computer with a powerful graphics card that is Elder Scrolls games mod friendly and easy for downloading mods into my game? I’m seeing a lot about Alienware? Is that a good one? Please chime in.



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You can buy or build a computer today for $500 that can shred Oblivion (2006) and Skyrim (2012), and even Fallout 4 (2014).


You can go to Tom's Hardware Guide for info on parts and their articles on the best gaming build for the your budget.


The reviews I have seen from Alienware are not good. Cheap and overpriced. I am personally about to buy a new computer from IBuyPower. I am on one I built in 2010, but the Hard drive is going. I am looking at spending around $2000, but I want to start playing newer games too.

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From what I've heard Alienware is overpriced garbage that's only bought because of the brand.

So it's kinda like the Apple of gaming.


I think any modern-ish PC would suit you fine. Oblivion was released all the way back in 2006 so most computers released in the past 5-10 years will be able to run it.

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I have a HP Pavilion computer purchased around 2015. Should I maybe just change out the graphics card to a more powerful one? The computer works just fine but I have limitations to what I can do with my game because of the graphics card I think.

What hardware in your computer?? Your machine IS 8 years old...... Though it should run oblivion ok.

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