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Where did the good games go?


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So where are they? Seriously. I cant find any at all. Suggestions please! (PC only)

What I do NOT want

1. War based games (CoD, splinter cell, Bf3, etc.)

2. MMO games of any kind

3. Zombie games

4. Racing

5. Sports

6. Crappy graphics (I'll make exceptions for ones with legit mods)

7. Simulation games

8. Free to play (ftp)

9. 3rd person gameplay (unless it controls like zelda games or mario)

Here are some games that I have enjoyed very much.

Oblivion, Skyrim, Dishonored, Bioshock, Fallout 3+New Vegas

Good luck, I know the criteria are strict.

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See here's your problem: your list basically includes every single modern genre or type there is. The problem isn't that there aren't any good games, it's that you're viewing the gaming world through a tiny crack. Open your eyes and your horizons, and you'll realise we're heading into a new golden age of home gaming.


"The world is only grey and bleak to those without the sense to climb above the clouds"

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I also enjoyed Skyrim, Oblivion, Dishonored, and Fallout 3. So, I'll just recommend a few other games I like that are in first person. Some of them are obvious or well known.


Zeno Clash (1 or 2)

Far Cry 3

Dark Messiah: Might and Magic

Borderlands (1 or 2)

Arx Fatalis (poor graphics, and it also requires the latest patch and the Arx Libertatis mod to work well in Windows Vista/7/8 at widescreen resolutions)

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So where are they? Seriously. I cant find any at all. Suggestions please! (PC only)

What I do NOT want

1. War based games (CoD, splinter cell, Bf3, etc.)

2. MMO games of any kind

3. Zombie games

4. Racing

5. Sports

6. Crappy graphics (I'll make exceptions for ones with legit mods)

7. Simulation games

8. Free to play (ftp)

9. 3rd person gameplay (unless it controls like zelda games or mario)

Here are some games that I have enjoyed very much.

Oblivion, Skyrim, Dishonored, Bioshock, Fallout 3+New Vegas

Good luck, I know the criteria are strict.


Pretty much like me...I'm quite picky. Although I'll take crappy graphics no matter what if it's got a good storyline.


You pretty much played all the decent single player games that are out these days IMHO. Try out The Witcher and The Witcher 2. Linear, but they have incredible stories. Have you played Morrowind? Hard as hell compared to Oblivion and Skyrim, dated on the graphics...but mods can pretty much make it look like Oblivion.


Video game companies need to go back to making decent games...instead of FPS game number 1000, QTE mash and pray, zombies (still don't get why they are "cool" again all of a sudden), base game with $100 worth of DLCs, games that "play" like generic action movies (looking at you Tomb Raider), etc. Nobody seems to want to make something innovative and cool anymore...just out for that quick buck.

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I'm really glad to get some responses from others who are picky, I do have Morrowind (overhauled of course), forgot to throw Portal 1&2 into that list of enjoyed games. I really feel they don't make games well anymore. Its as though developers have run their imaginations dry, so they repeat the same games year after year, slightly better graphics, change some guns, make a new map, then bam! Profit! I may have some tight requirements for what I would call a "good" game, however I would hardly say that I'm missing much by not wanting to play the same fps shooters in slightly different wrappers, or the latest "something gun" or "dead whatever" or "insert war name". Its okay though, those who disagree can waste time and money on the same game year after year. Hopefully for they people like me, I'll get my ass in gear and get back to working with CryEngine or UDK and make something worth playing. I'm full of ideas that developers have yet to touch. I must say its a huge relief knowing more and more people are seeing the "trends" and getting sick of them.
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I can see where the OP is coming from, yes there are lots of games but they all feel the same, companies have become so risk averse that they're afraid to take any chances and so keep churning out the same thing over and over again.

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i find it ironic though, that you defend him saying companies just tack a number at the end of the game and reprint it abd are afraid to make new games. however his interest are Elder Scrolls, which have what, like 5 games, DLC and an upcomming MMO?, FallOut which not only has its couple games that are near identical, plus DLC, its also a reprint of Elder Scrolls in terms of engine and gameplay mechanics. then theres Bioshock, which is up to 3 and DLC.


its not that there are no good games anymore, its like Vindekarr said, you just have what you like, which is a narrow slice of gaming, esp todays gaming. im going to recommend some games, but i wont follow your criteria, instead im just going to spout some of the better games out there. maybe, in order to find the good games, you need to take a look at them, and not assume they are crappy because they arent what youre used to. that said, i understand liking what you like, there is nothing wrong with that. gaming is gaming after all, and you cant have fun playing what you dont enjoy.



Dark Souls

Far Cry

The Witcher

Mass Effect

Dragon Age

The Walking Dead (Telltale Games)

Guild Wars





Half Life



and ill stop there. those are some of the bigger titles out there and thats why i named them, all games im sure youve heard of. and yes, most of them go against your criteria, im aware. damn near all of them have sequals, and for good reason.

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I'll try to explain this better, my "narrow slice" used to be almost the entire pie in the gaming world.(fps? fp-wha?)I came from the Nintendo days when graphics sucked so much that developers had to think outside the box and come up with something ingenious or risk immediate failure. If it didn't bring something to the table you were done for. The story and game play had to be good, and needed to be an experience to last. The Zelda series has been in it for over 20 years now, admittedly they have made remakes, and have reused old gameplay elements, however their main success with the series was a result of them always trying to do something unique, new, and memorable. I have actually given most of those games a try already, and was very disappointed in their content. Resident Evil is starting to flop as is Final Fantasy because of reusing the same "everything" as their last titles ad-nauseum. So is it really me being narrow when I dont want to fight another war in the middle east with newer guns, or shoot zombies in a new city? Or are game developers the being narrow in their creations?
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i get what you are saying, but youre taking the few and making it the large. Hasty Generalization as it were. CoD, Battefield and Assassins Creed are what you are referring to. everyone knows those games and what they do. coming out with more with little changing. does this mean every game does it? no. Actually, of all those games i listed i wouldnt say any of them were the same old same old. nitpicking aside, in the least its not as bad as CoD, BF, or AC. so not wanting to play those games, id understand. zombies are whatever, if youre into them, then play the game, if not, then dont. the only "Zombie" games ive played are the Telltale Walking Dead Games. and Plants vs Zombies lol. never played L4D or Dead Rising or Resident Evil and kin and im apart of this new zombie craze fad. though there are a few zombie games on the horizon that have piqued my interest.


my point being, yes, it is you being narrow when you think every game is another game where you fight zombies in a new city in the middle east with new guns.


if you have a console theres games like;


Demons Souls


Metal Gear Solid

Ratchet and Clank

Dragons Dogma


Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

God of War


The Last of Us

Halo and Gears of War (if you had an Xbox)


what about games like:


Devil May Cry




The Darkness


I Am Alive


Sacred 2

Saints Row

Grand Theft Auto


Sleeping Dogs

Two Worlds Two

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