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I hope I spelled that right. Anyway, I've been all through the place (near as I can tell) and still havent found that Sixth House Cult captain I was supposed to find and kill. I don't want a spoiler just yet. Just a nudge in the right direction for now.


Also, how come every time I get in a fight with a Bonemelder or whatever it's called I'm overencumbered afterwards? It must be some effect of contact with the aforementioned. I had to ditch a couple of good weapons in order to move again. That sucked! Is there any cure for that, just for future reference?

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Consuming ingredients isn't all that effective, I've found. Get a ring or an amulet of 'restore strength' made at your local enchanter's - that should take some of the annoyance out of bonewalker encounters.


I'm afraid I can't remember specifics about the 6th House cult in that cavern... it's ages since I did that quest ... just make sure you've checked the whole cavern thoroughly.

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