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How do I fix my Load order?


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Why is my Morrowind.ini always doing this?


I manually reorder them and change the numbers, load a game, close and they've been put back. Wrong!
So how can I make a permanent change to my Morrowind load order?
I used the latest Morrowind Code Patch and XGE XE with MWSE. Maybe they did the mods alphabetically or something?
Or could I make my changes manually and then make Morrowind.ini read only?
This is the load order it's forcing

GameFile3=Bag of Holding.ESP
GameFile4=House of Mannequins - Mistform fix.esp
GameFile5=House of Mannequins v1.0.esp
GameFile6=Morrowind Rebirth - Mercenaries [Addon].ESP
GameFile7=Morrowind Rebirth [Main].ESP
GameFile11=Robert's Bodies.ESP
GameFile12=Simple Camping.ESP
GameFile13=Skyrim Crafting for Morrowind GOTY.esp
GameFile14=The Bare Necessities WanderRA Skyrim Crafting.esp

It even puts the Mistform fix BEFORE House of Mannequins.


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I tried Wrye Mash and it seems to be OK, but it changed the dates of my own mods for some reason.


At first, Wrye Mash didn't seem to do anything, but there's a tiny, unmarked thing I could click on that said Update, IIRC, and then I could save.


But where is the actual load order stored?


Skyrim has LoadOrder.txt and PlugIns.txt, so what does Morrowind have and where is it?



Thanks for the replies



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mlox makes it sane, and if you have to manually reorder something, you can re-date an esp with wrye mash.

No, I will never use a Mod Mangler.


So, there IS no file that controls load order, it's done by DATE MODIFIED of the esm and esp files?


Strewth! Modding Skyrim is so much easier! I got the original Morrowind and DLC when they came out on disk, then GotY edition. I've not played it since 2015, and I've forgotten everything I knew!


I'm only using about 15 mods, anyway.


So if I change the load order by moving eps files up and down in Wrye Mash and Save, that will automatically change the date modified and load things correctly?


Cheers, thanks for the help!



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So if I change the load order by moving eps files up and down in Wrye Mash and Save, that will automatically change the date modified and load things correctly?


make sure it's sorted after load order or date modified and this should work. you can verify this because after reordering the date, visible in the modified row, should have changed.

if you're sure about the correct load order then there is no need for mlox, if you're not sure then it's great.

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