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Tell the Daedra to go *bleep* themselves dialog option mod


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Just wondering if anyone knows of a mod that lets you tell some of the darker more disturbing Daedra to go boil their privates....instead of how it currently is for example, playing a righteous paladin who has to use his psychic power to avoid even talking to certain NPC's or i'll get landed with really nasty quests!

The Molag Bal quest for example, I'm merrily exploring Markarth and see the Vigilant of Stendarr needs help so.....being a nice guy i help.....HUGE MISTAKE, have to reload etc etc. I always wanted to say something cool to Molag Bal like ...I am the Instrument of Akatosh and the Bane of Alduin you have no pwer over me Daedra!! Then destroy his altar...now that Bethesda would be cool, you guys need to work on the alternative outcomes for quests.


Anyways rant over....if anyone knows a mod that lets you do this or similar i'd appreciate the location, i can't find one sadly!


Thanks all....keep up the great work of making Bethesda's games actually playable!

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Iceburg has a couple of mods for "good guys" to complete a couple of "evil" quests:





And there was one for Molag Bal here:



Edited by Jokerine
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Awesome thanks for the responses...Jokerine especially thanks for the links!


Much appreciated


p.s. lol nightinglae...indeed although i tend to go imperial i agree entirely their are so many annoying NPC's out there ...there needs to be a Dragonborn FUS-RO-STFU-NPC shout

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"Go F yourself Tullius Tool, you tried to have me killed"


Don't you mean.... TOOLIUS



there needs to be a Dragonborn FUS-RO-STFU-NPC shout


i am sERIOUSLY ABOUT TO MAKE THIS SHOUT. Just voicing "shut tHEf*#@ UUUUP" as a shout would make it worth it.

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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