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[WIPz] Drizzt Do'Urden for Skyrim


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I have written and obtained the blessing of R.A. Salvatore to do a Drizzt Do'Urden companion mod for Skyrim. I am looking for someone to join the team that can do the face and appearance work, as I want him to look fantastic, not a typical Skyrim NPC.


If anyone is interested or knows of someone who may be PLEASE IM me!

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Oooooooh! I'm happy to give it a go! :)

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Panther now done. Hopefully she should look great in the game. :)

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Panther in Nifskope:



Drizzt is described as 5'4" tall- same height as me, so a bit of a shorty! When reading the books, I always got the impression that female drow were bigger than the males. Which would suit Lolth, as most spiders are thus proportioned, gender-wise! :D

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