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Alternative Mod Sites?


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Apparently mods get randomly removed from this site for ideological reasons. Anyone know of any newer mod sites that allow their users to download what mods they want to install? Would be a shame to spend all that work on a mod only to have it deleted where nobody can use it

Edited by theWaffleMonster
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man i miss old nexus before the hypocrisy and IRL politics back when mods where mods for s*** and giggles back when video games were treated like video games and nothing else....the f*** happened man?


Neo-Nazis and other hate filled dregs of society came out of their pathetic little holes. They became far more overt in sharing and forcing their feelings and philosophies on others on the internet some time around 2016 and it gets worse every year. Their demands to be allowed to post their hate on my site, under the guise of "fReE sPeEcH", has forced us to take "stances" we otherwise wouldn't have had to because things used to be a lot calmer on this site, and the internet in general. Any nuance is now gone, and anything even marginally controversial is brigaded by emboldened neo-nazis and people of similar ilk posting their swastikas, HH's, 88's and other pathetic messages in support of hatred all over the comments sections of those files.


I don't want that s#*! on my site, so off they can f*#@. If you'd like to post that sort of s#*! on Nexus Mods, off you can f*#@ too.

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