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Alternative to Immersive Scrapping?


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I've been using Immersive Scrapping for years and have had no serious issues with it, but I am getting the feeling it is becoming obsolete as it hasn't been updated in nearly six years. However I'll be damned if I can find anything else that comes close to the scrap recipes added. Does anybody know of one on any platform or am I out of luck?

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so i assume you both now what you are doing and you know the risk of scrapping the wrong static object? i gave up on this because i prefer a stable game with stable performance and i don't know all precombined objects by heart. happy gaming!

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so i assume you both now what you are doing and you know the risk of scrapping the wrong static object? i gave up on this because i prefer a stable game with stable performance and i don't know all precombined objects by heart. happy gaming!


If you nuke previs and precombines for your build areas, it becomes a non-issue. (NOT for the whole world, just settlement build areas.)

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