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Does Anyone Else Do This?


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I have five different characters I play with. I switch back and forth according to my scenario preference. This is accomplished by swapping saved games in and out of the MO2 save folder. I create a folder in "my games" labeled "FO4 Saves" and created sub- folders that are named according to the MO2 Profile, and subsequent sub-folders by character name. I also use re-saver for an info reminder on a save before I start swapping. It may seem a bit involved too some, but, it becomes rote after a while.

Works for me.....

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Doesn't MO2 have a profile option that will switch your mods and savegames for you?


It does, yes, with profile-specific saves. I use it to jump between different playstyles as well as different mod loadouts.

It makes more sense to do this, but OP might prefer one specific load list across all playstyles. I can see why you might trade maintaining a savelist over maintaining load-order parity across profiles, though honestly I'll happily stick with profiles myself.

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That really only works if you use the exact same mods for every "profile" - which hardly anyone would.

Ex. If I'm playing a Gunslinger, I don't have any modern weapon mods activated - everything is primitive action weapons.

Break, Breech, Lever, Bolt, Falling Block, Pump - i.e. you hand load everything. I don't even use "Speedloader" revolvers.....

Ex. If I'm playing a Railroad Operative who leverages Old-World "modern" tech - I might get my hands on things (in Pre-War caches) that would never be loaded in a Gunslinger play. Something like a Walther WA2000, or a Mk23 SOCOM, or a Ruger MkV Syringer Pistol, or even a Pancor Jackhammer.... etc, etc.

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That's actually exactly why profiles are useful (besides being save specific), in that they will sandbox their own set of mods - even though they can also globally share some as well. E.g. Most profiles may use MCM, etc while one vanilla test profile doesn't. Variants are used if there's different mod configs required (fomod with optionals). Gopher has an old MO1 tutorial that explains basic profile-use relevant to MO2. https://youtu.be/ZnI4_Drp298?t=75

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These are profile specific saves, They are manually loaded in and out of the MO2 save folder. You simply select the profile, copy and paste the save you have saved under that profile name into the MO2 save folder, make sure mo2 is on that profile, then load it in. I often back up my saved games just in case. IMO, this is a more organized way to keep track of saved games. Also, I have multiple characters with each load order, therefore, I feel this gives me more assurance. Keeping important saves backed-up on your disk/ssd.

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These are profile specific saves, They are manually loaded in and out of the MO2 save folder. You simply select the profile, copy and paste the save you have saved under that profile name into the MO2 save folder, make sure mo2 is on that profile, then load it in. I often back up my saved games just in case. IMO, this is a more organized way to keep track of saved games. Also, I have multiple characters with each load order, therefore, I feel this gives me more assurance. Keeping important saves backed-up on your disk/ssd.

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These are profile specific saves, They are manually loaded in and out of the MO2 save folder. You simply select the profile, copy and paste the save you have saved under that profile name into the MO2 save folder, make sure mo2 is on that profile, then load it in. I often back up my saved games just in case. IMO, this is a more organized way to keep track of saved games. Also, I have multiple characters with each load order, therefore, I feel this gives me more assurance. Keeping important saves backed-up on your disk/ssd. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have multiple characters on each profile? Make sense? Anyway, it works for me.

Edited by edgeburner
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You are making this way harder than it needs to be.


I have nothing in my My Games directory - other than the initial .INI files the game created.

Saves folder is empty. _MO_Saves is empty.


All of my Saves are stored in the Profile I created for a new character - each with their name - and with their corresponding .INI files, modlist.txt, loadorder.txt






When I back up the Profiles directory - Bosephus gets backed up, then Neckbone, etc - since the Saves folder is in their Profile.

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