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Dovahkiin Swearing shout request


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Have you ever just been walking around and some a hole says something rude to you. (example: Get out of my way peasent. I've spent too much on these gift to be late for Victoria Vici's wedding!) Wouldn't it be nice if you could go NO F U! (FUS RO DAH!) Yeah I think it would be hilarious if people were mean to you and you said thing like go f your whatever insert. Trying to keep it G. Oh are least a mod that would allow you to make insults at people.

Options perhaps to have it a spell too?


Edited by Seshiri
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I could have sworn there was a mod that changed the shouts to Tourette's Guy quotes, but I may be thinking of a mod for Amnesia. Would it be like the throw voice shout or relentless shout, cause one you could do without really getting in trouble with the guards, but the other would feel satisfying as all hell to blow someone back with the power of your swearing :laugh:

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There is one that has an animation where FUS RO DAH becomes something like TRUMP PARP PRZZFFF! and the Dovahkiin turns round, goes into sneak mod and breaks wind with what can only be described as quite alarming ferocity.


Funny... for a while.



But that is a general problem with Skyrim compared with Morrowind. There is an awful lot of stuff not fleshed out and although every character is voiced, there are not as many choices available and less colour and flavour.


Such as being insulted by Guards when you are their Thane! You are the highest ranking noble after the Jarl, and yet they make comments about sweet rolls and tell you to behave yourself with no chance of telling them to bog off or putting them on a charge.




By the way, the OP should remove that image before you get moderated or the thread is deleted. Some moderators may regard that as a breach of the forum rules and an attempt to circumvent them by having an image rather than text that would be censored.




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Currently working on a "STFU" shout, it'll probably just make NPC's stumble a little, and if I can figure out how, get them to say "Oh!" or "huh?" or something along those lines. Most npc's have some extra dialogue lines that I've never actually heard them say in game. ("No need to get rough!!" "Whatever you say!!" "Not my problem...") it's very interesting actually.
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You guys all have really good idea's for input. The STFU sounds cool I hope something comes of it I would endorse it!!! I would make my own but I'm fairly new at this so I'm going to wait a while and see if I can even get creation kit to work for me first before I attempt anything. The other day I just learned about the item checksums and the relationship they have to in game input. I've also been learning to manipulate the console. I used to be good at this kind of stuff when I was 13 but I got console spoiled and left my computer as an over glorified boom box :D

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