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[Request/Commission] Based Christian Mod for Oblivion


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I was wondering if anyone was capable, and available, to craft a "Christian" mod for Oblivion that can fulfill the following requirements:


1. All mention of the Elder Scrolls pantheon removed, as well as any and all shrines related to them aside from the city chapels which should be retextured/altered. Pantheon replaced with "The One", a monotheistic deity that created the Elder Scrolls world in the continuity of this mod/overhaul.

2. All mention of Daedra worship and statues removed, as well as any items related to them. May have to remove quests that rely on them heavily.

3. All magic removed, or heavily reduced to only feature restoration spells. No destructive, conjuring or illusive spells.

4. Dark Brotherhood removed. (NOOOOO IT'S THE BEST QUEST LINE!! etc etc)


These are what I would love to see in a mod, anyone who is likeminded and possesses the technical know-how are welcome to share their thoughts. This would certainly involve altering any dialogue that mentions daedra worship or the pantheon, so use of ChatGPT or other A.I algorithms may be necessary for voice lines.

Edited by KnightofDaWind
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Well just to let you know this would completely break/ruin the main quest. Unless you want someone to make a completely different main quest. With this much change you may want to just find another game OR decide what you want a game to be about and find someone who will do a complete overhaul and just make a different game using the oblivion graphics/voices/engine. but if thats the case you'd have better luck using a newer game engine such as unreal engine and paying someone to make you a game based on what you want. Theres tons of free/cheap game assets for unreal engine so you wouldn't have to use oblivions stuff. Just saying my two cents.

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Yeah, I've had nights of bad wind too.


Usually bad dreams such as trying to rewrite an epic, such as the Elder Scrolls, to be Willy Wonker.


2 posts catches my interest on this, where are you actually coming from?

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Well just to let you know this would completely break/ruin the main quest. Unless you want someone to make a completely different main quest. With this much change you may want to just find another game OR decide what you want a game to be about and find someone who will do a complete overhaul and just make a different game using the oblivion graphics/voices/engine. but if thats the case you'd have better luck using a newer game engine such as unreal engine and paying someone to make you a game based on what you want. Theres tons of free/cheap game assets for unreal engine so you wouldn't have to use oblivions stuff. Just saying my two cents.

Any Daedra related to the main quest can stay, but most other side quests involving them should be removed. Obviously the story is about ending the Oblivion Crisis, so the theme of Good vs Evil is present, and unlike Skyrim and other titles you do not need to use Evil to destroy Evil. Such as absorbing the soul of a Dragon, or other such occult power.

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Yeah, I've had nights of bad wind too.


Usually bad dreams such as trying to rewrite an epic, such as the Elder Scrolls, to be Willy Wonker.


2 posts catches my interest on this, where are you actually coming from?

Hey it only took two replies for someone to chime in with a Heckin' WITTY comment like this. Thank you for your input, I'm glad you find this amusing, but no this is a serious post and has nothing to do with "bad wind" or Willy Wonka and his Chocolate Factory.

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Yeah, I've had nights of bad wind too.


Usually bad dreams such as trying to rewrite an epic, such as the Elder Scrolls, to be Willy Wonker.


2 posts catches my interest on this, where are you actually coming from?

I'd imagine you are protestant?. Unfortunately I do not share the belief that "anything goes", and although I was fond of Oblivion in my younger years, I feel that aspects of it can and likely should be changed to better represent Christian themes rather than the Occult themes which permeate the base game. That is why I made this post, to attract any like-minded mod authors who would be interested in giving this a go. If none are out there, well, at least I tried.

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Sadly I must say that I don't see the way to see your request done, as Oblivion is in its decline time. It involves much work for not just one, but for whole team of people. Besides such alterations will surely break main questline as destroying some daedric gates is part of it. Also most modders capable of such work already moved on modding Skyrim and forward.

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Just stopped by:

If you read about Elder Scrolls lore, you may find devs construct Nirn's pantheon(s) and religion(s) based on 'how real world polytheistic religions and pantheons work(and transform)'. This fictional world have gods who meddle with mortals in various ways, and sometimes(though rare) appear before them in flesh. Also they have regional, racial variants of those gods as well as local minor gods.

Edited by LFact
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