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How much time elapses from hiding mod to being able to share one of your own


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How long does it take after a moder has hidden an outdated mod that does not work with the new version of a game, to be able to share a mod of his own that modifies the same assets and does the same thing but for the current version of the game?

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How long does it take after a moder has hidden an outdated mod that does not work with the new version of a game, to be able to share a mod of his own that modifies the same assets and does the same thing but for the current version of the game?

If it is your work, and not just an updated version of someone else's mod, you can upload anytime ya want. Or, if it IS someone elses work, you need their permission to re-upload the updated version.

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The mod is not mine and the assets are original from the new version of the game, only the same entries are modified as in the hidden mod of that moder, it is impossible to contact him he has all contact channels blocked.

But from what you tell me if I hide my 270 mods nobody else could modify the same assets of the game for new versions of the game?

Isn't it a bit strange that a site that is dedicated to mods prefers to have games in which mods can no longer be made for risk of being reported to the moderators?

Edited by Gantz79
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, for all those who are interested in the answer to this question this is the conclusion:

I posted a copy made from scratch and updated the Outfits for Endgame Goku mod that has been hidden for three months and did not work, the result was that a moderator of Nexus removed it and told me that the author denounced because he has it hidden and not removed.

Let it serve as a precedent that it is not possible to post old patched mods even if they are made from scratch if the author has them hidden because they can denounce you, luckily I have not received any warnings or restrictions.


Edited by Gantz79
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I made a mod from zero with the new assets extracted from the original game updated to work with version 1.91, but modifying all the same data and textures that modifies the old mod that stopped working in version 1.84.

Edited by Gantz79
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Hello, for all those who are interested in the answer to this question this is the conclusion:
I posted a copy made from scratch and updated the Outfits for Endgame Goku mod that has been hidden for three months and did not work, the result was that a moderator of Nexus removed it and told me that the author denounced because he has it hidden and not removed.
Let it serve as a precedent that it is not possible to post old patched mods even if they are made from scratch if the author has them hidden because they can denounce you, luckily I have not received any warnings or restrictions.


Just my 2 cents here, but if you made your mod from scratch, you shouldn't call it a copy but a version of said mod.


And that being the case, you should be able to explain and refute the removing of your version with the Nexus' Moderator.


Like showler said, if you created your version of a mod without any assets or anything from other mod, its author can't say anything since you didn't use any of his mod into yours.

Looking into a mod's coding to see how it works to learn and make our own version without using any of its assets, it's not the same as posting the same mod that its author has hidden/removed for its own reasons.




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