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Let's end the AI content debate - Does anyone have a good contact for Bethesada? (Yes, seriously)


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I think this is a bad idea. Lacking clarity regarding laws that affect their liability, Bethesda will have NO CHOICE but to ban the use of such systems. It's the only way they could protect themselves regardless of which way the laws eventually play out.


You're only moving things from a "gray area" to a "definitely not".



A question posed on a matter an orgniazation or individual are uncertain of (which is where we are) will ALWAYS engender a "No" in our society.


Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Edited by 363rdChemicalCompany
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Eventually AI voices will become a major part of modding regardless of the outcome of this discussion everyone is having around the legality/morality/etc of it. Blank voices are being developed for use in AI voices, meaning voices that don't have a specific origin point aside from possible inspiration stemming from hearing a voice actor's performance. Taking inspiration has never been legally or morally a problem even if in some cases a work taking inspiration from another is quite similar to the work it took inspiration from.

Aside from that I personally don't think voice actors should have any legal grounds to do anything to mods using AI-generated voicelines based off of and using samples from their voice. Moral grounds? Maybe, but only because in some cases a mod could make a character say horrendous things and then some idiot could come along and clip the horrendous parts of a voiceline and try convincing people it came from the actor and not a game character. But that's not much different to clipping what someone says out of context on perhaps a podcast or a youtube video. That and if a voiceline, AI or otherwise, is saying something that goes against a mod website's terms of service then it'll get removed anyway if reported.

AI voicelines aren't any different from banning a kitchen knife because they're easier to get and can do the same (although slightly poorer) job of stabbing someone like a military knife or broadsword. I do think Nexus' response is a decent one though, because while they aren't outright banning the use of AI voices in mods, they aren't disrespecting voice actors by letting anyone do what they want with an actor's voice. I think of it like someone making a cover of a song. Legally anyone can make a cover/remix of a song, but few people find it stupid if the person planning to make the cover/remix asks for the original artist's permission because it's the respectable thing to do.

Idk, I view it as a thing that can't be helped. We can't get everyone to 100% agree that using AI voicelines is fine even if legally it's fine and morally (90% of the time) it's fine. So the best thing to do is wait for blank voices to become smoother and easier to produce. There's also the option of someone invested in the modding community to make voicelines to be used in AI, but there are numerous roadblocks and reasons for that not happening any time soon.

Edited by UnreasonablySaucyConcrete
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Real curious how that works..... I wouldn't think they are including the code for the AI with the game..... network connection?? (I didn't watch the whole vid.)


You have ChatGPT running in the background, while the game is running in the foreground so that your game basically "sits on top of" ChatGPT. Thus ChatGPT can "see" the application as it is running.


That was my understanding from that video at least.

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Real curious how that works..... I wouldn't think they are including the code for the AI with the game..... network connection?? (I didn't watch the whole vid.)


You have ChatGPT running in the background, while the game is running in the foreground so that your game basically "sits on top of" ChatGPT. Thus ChatGPT can "see" the application as it is running.


That was my understanding from that video at least.


Hhhhmmmm.... Not sure how I feel about allowing an AI to interact with programs running on my computer..... That seems like it would be very easy to abuse.....

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