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2 New Features on GS.NET


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I've recently coded two new features for GamingSource.NET which should enable a little more user interaction.


You can now submit your own reviews for games on the site as well as your favourite fan sites. While there is no incentive for doing this at the moment, it is my hope that soon I'll be holding a "review of the month" competition with the winner receiving the game of his/her choice.


To submit a review or fansite it's simple. Navigate your way to the game you want to submit the information for and choose the appropriate "Submit a review/fansite for this game!" links under their respective headings. Alternatively you can go straight to the Submit a Review and Submit a Fansite pages and choose the game you want to submit information for from the drop-down menu provided. You must be logged into the forums for it to work!


If you want to write a review (or have already written a review) for a game that isn't listed on GamingSource.NET let me know and I'll add the game to the database within the day. Do this via PM please.


Your review will be posted onto the site and also added to the forums automatically, enabling others to comment on your reviews.


Have a go folks!

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So what happens when someone gets a review posted first? Do all the other ones people have made count towards your contest and appear on the game's page? The way it is now seems a bit one-sided, the first person's opinion is the only one anyone sees. You need to add a clear place for all the user reviews.
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Three reviews posted for Ground Control 2 and all are listed.


Not quite sure what you mean. But as far as the future competition goes, all added reviews will count as one "ticket" in a raffle style system, whether or not a review has already been posted for that game.


However reviews will first have to be verified by me and I won't be accepting any old review. I'd expect the same sort of quality review that you can see in the review's forum already -- if a review is denied a ticket is not issued.

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Ok, I see them on that page. But if you go directly to the reviews page, clicking on a game in the list just gives one review, with no hint that there are others. It would make much more sense if the game title link went to an index of all reviews for that game.


And yes, I see that they appear as individual links when you sort by title. But once the database gets larger, it's going to be harder to find them.



Also, none of the forum comments appear in the review index. I've been posting my reviews of games as comments in the thread with the first one, but they don't appear on the index page. Yeah, I realize I could just post a new thread, but that makes the thread lists get crowded really quickly.

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Review index page.


Clicking the "read more" link under Battle for Middle Earth.


See how it only shows one review? And no hint of the comments, or even the other review thread on the game? It's presenting a really biased view of the game, since the first post is the only one that shows up. He obviously really loved the game, but someone reading that review is going to have no idea that there's a long discussion pointing out some flaws that make it nowhere near a 9.5/10 game.


There should be at least a list of the other reviews and the ratings they gave at the bottom of the page, if not having all the links go to the index for that game.

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Yup, but that's under the "Latest Reviews" heading. The three latest reviews are put there...


As for the forum comments there is the part saying "Got a problem with this review? Agree with it? Disagree with it? Come let us know your thoughts on this game and this review in our forums!" right under the review.


I've added another line below it now "There have been 1 comments on this review." just incase.


I take your point on the other reviews being linked to on that page, I'll see what I can do.

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