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Black face encountered using mods in this load order
Bijin Warmaidens,
Bijin NPCs
Fabulous followers
High poly NPCs

I have used SSEEdit and LOOT, I could use assistance for the correct mod load order. I have attached my plugins.txt for the full mod list for possible incompatibilities

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Head parts in the actor head mesh file under actors/character/facegendata/facegeom must exactly match the parts defined in actor record. If they don't, you get black face. Also if any head part references a .tri, it must be the /tri corresponding to part in the head mesh. A mismatch is almost guaranteed CTD. I.e. if 'face' head part references a vanilla head .tri on an HP head mesh.


Most useful tool: More informative console.

You click an NPC, it gives you, among other things, their base ID as well as which .esp defines the actor initially and which .esp has top load priority.


I.e. Lydia (000A2C8E base ID) has black face. I check which .esp has highest priority on her. I see that it is Bijin Warmaidens.esp Go out of the game, check my mod manager, specifically file conflicts for Bijin Warmaidens.

I see that for meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/Skyrim.esm/000A2C8E.nif, priority goes to LamaKreis Women of Skyrim.

To resolve this, my options are:

1. Change priority rule on the head mesh file - along with its facetint texture counterpart - if I want Bijin version.

2. Add a rule to make Women of Skyrim load after Bijin. - If I want WoS version, or

3. Go to Bijin Warmaidens in SSEEdit and delete 000A2C8E entry in its NPC section.


But suppose I load some mod, i.e. 'Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia' And for all its functionality to work, it has to have load priority. But I want to retain her WoS looks.

I can:

Make WoS a master for IFD-Lydia.

Go into Actor record A2C8E in IFD-Lydia, and change it to use same head parts as WoS Lydia - as well as weight and body skin.

(Another option would be to make a patch .esp that has both WoS and IFD-Lydia as masters and it copies Lydia Actor form from IFD, but uses head parts and skin from WoS.)

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