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I need assistance configuring Vortex on Windows 11

Go to solution Solved by Barbara917,

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Vortex version 1.8.1

Modding both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE (same issue)

Window 11 Home Edition x64

Issue: Vortex cannot find c:\Users\barba\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\fallout4\masterlist and c:\Users\barba\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\masterlist

I am completely new to Windows 11 and do not rule out the possibility that this is a Windows 11 issue and a user error on my part.

Basically, I built a new PC and installed Windows 11 for the first time (side note: I am not adjusting well to new OS. Bleh.)

I am now attempting to mod both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE for the first time in 2 years so Vortex and modding is new to me as well.

The reason Vortex cannot find the masterlist is that I moved barba and all its sub-folders to another drive. I attempted to follow MIcrosoft's instructions for moving the folders as best I could but I don't now how to reverse the process because no folders on any drives other than the c drive have a Location Tab under Properties.

I am really hoping someone here can tell me how to tell Vortex where my barba\AppData folder is.

Vortex is telling me this likely a firewall setting I am still bumbling around Windows 11 Defender settings trying to figure out which one. Deleting the masterlist so that Vortex could download a new one only made things worse.
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May want to uninstall Vortex, then reinstall, Windows knows where those folders are, but, Vortex doesn't. Reinstall *should* clue it in.


Yeah. Thank your for the response, HeyYou. I was completely wrong about that. I was thinking that the AppData folder was one of the many other folders I moved such as Downloads and Documents. I had forgotten that AppData is a hidden folder. It is there along with all its sub-folders and the Masterlist that Vortex is complaining it cannot update. I simply cannot find the setting in the Windows Defender firewall that is interfering with Vortex and I am bewildered that the initial installation of Vortex was able to create it yet Vortex cannot update it.

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If you migrated from another PC there may also be a permission issue accessing the appdata folder.


For the sake of testing rename the "Vortex" folder under appdata to "Vortex_backup" then start the app and see if you get the same error.


If you don't, it means the contents of the Vortex_backup folder doesn't have the right permissions for Vortex to see/edit it.


(Delete the new Vortex folder and rename the backup to undo this)

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Thank you for the response, @Pickysaurus. I did not migrate Vortex. I haven't modded anything for about 2 years so I am starting everything from scratch on my new PC, assuming that anything I had on the old rig is out of date.


More concerning to me is that this issue I had and fought all day yesterday is gone today. Vortex is making no complaints and making me look like I imagined the whole thing.


If the problem recurs I will certainly try your suggestions.

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