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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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Well when i first started playing i was always an evil assassin/thief dude. Now I'm exploring other ways of playing. In real life i am a very nice caring persona albeit i can be quite lazy but i can put to muster when i must if its in my best interest or for the glory of the Lord.
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I acctualy find it hard to be an assasin male without a father...even if play with an assaisn i RP as he/she is motivted by a greater good.

I prefer to play as a paladin and help everyone. This obviously means that i'm more altruist in game that in real life tought i would never harm anyone...but i can take my defenses!

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Well, yes and no to the question of whether or not my character's personality is different than mine.


For one thing we're both morally gray, but I draw the line much sooner than she does. And in many ways my character -at least the way I percieive her- is much more mature and prosaic than I am. She's driven by pragmatism and strategy, not by 'gut instincts' and morals or emotion.


By the same token, though, she's one helluva lot more easygoing and mild-tempered than I am. I'd be the first person to admit that I have a short fuse, albeit more in 'real life' than on the internet.


At least, that's how she is on the surface.


Underneath that veneer, she's more damaged than I've ever been or ever want to be- the way I play the game, the poor Dunmer suffers more mood (and loyalty) whiplash than I'd care to experience. Ugh. >.>


As to my secondary character... she's so sickeningly cheerful that I'd probably flee in the opposite direction if we ever actually met. To say nothing of the kleptomaniac streak. OH HO HO HO. >D

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The way I play I have to say is almost exactly like myself. interestingly, I use facgen and the facegen to oblivion tool, so sometimes I DO play myself. anyways, I'm an altruist with a bit of a klepto streak (I'm a noted stealer of pencils and much else I can get my hands on when nobody's watching. just ask my bowling ball) so I have no compunctions about taking something if it won't hurt anybody, but I'm far too much of an altruist to actually let someone get hurt where I can see. I'm true to my instincts, so I eat when i'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired (which isn't often, as I'm weird in the fact that instead of expending large amount of energy quickly I do so over a long period of time - thus, insomnia most nights and naps at different times of the school day). I'm also quite interested in swordplay, armor, and general things medieval. I even have a longsword and a suit of platemail in my room that I like to put on sometimes. Bascially, If I was ever charged with saving the world from destruction, whatever world that may be, then I would act exactly like I do in game


I can honestly say that, in having only three characters (a male full-on combat master with my face, a female spellsword, and a paladin(the only character I have who isn't a kleptomaniac)) all of them are like myself utterly and completely. I just can't seem to play any other way, even when I try

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That's so funny about being a klepto. In the games, I just like to steal, pick up things too, lol All of my houses are decorated with lots of flowers, vases, trinkets. Very homey generally. I like them to look lived in and inhabited.


I thought I was the only one who eats and sleeps because it seems "normal" to do so. I always balance my meals too, lol Meat, veggies, then fruit or sweetcake/sweet roll for dessert. After a long quest, I usually sleep for 12-24 hours. I figure she's earned it :thumbsup:


I tend to provide well for my guilds when I reach master. Before I realized the Priory of the Nine would restore itself, I'd already gone out on an item finding mission to get things for decorating all the beds, chests, tables, etc. I feed my folks well too, lol I just finished outfitting the table for the Thieves Guild. They have plates of food and cups, drinks, etc. It gives me a thrill to watch them start to eat after I've laid the table out. I also generally put cloth folds on the foot of the beds like a blanket and put a pair of shoes by each bed. With the KOTN, I gave each person like a glass dagger and a piece of valuable jewelry and a trinket for their chest. If it's a woman, I'll put flowers on her bed. Everyone gets a book on the bed. I want them to be educated. Especially in the Thieves Guild, lol


I only wish the guys at the Priory weren't stuck out front and could go on with life as normal. I still haven't figured out how to get Thedret to wrap it up so they can start moving around the Priory again. Got a big banquet set up with no one to eat it :confused: I even put snacks out for the smith downstairs. But then again, I fill up the empty food bags for random beggars too. I always give a coin to help the less fortunate :biggrin: I'm like that in real life too.


When you really start examining the way you play, or how others do, the little quirks and habits, it really is fascinating. No wonder most of us spend so many hours playing. The game for me is so much more than just questing and killing. I love to decorate. I wish we could move furniture and wall hangings too!


I help as much as I cause chaos, probably more helping, unless I get on a "bipolar" streak as Calliton calls it, lol Writing it all out and reading it back, I seem like an uber geek, cthu! Well, at least I'm in good company ;)

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