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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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In real life i'm ex-military and current law enforcer. Ingame i am a merciless killer bent on converting the world into my own realm..much like dagon..matter of fact (roleplay wise,because imagination makes the world go round..in your face gravity) My character saved the empire from oblivion JUST so he could get dagon out of the way..so he could take over..like that old outplayed cheesy saying "keep your friends close,keep your enemies closer" In order to convert the empire,i gained their trust by saving them..now they are all doomed to eternal slavery...Cause i'm evil and evil demands a giant statue with my name on it..


LOL! Whoa Nelly! You need to make that request in the Request/Mod Suggestion section. Hey, why not? You can have a big old statue of you. Rebel O'Conner made a huge Statue of Liberty over by Leyawiin. You could maybe use that if you know how to use the CS, or request him to do one for you. He's really good with those models.


All hail the evil king! :devil:


@ Dragunover- yeah after awhile it wouldn't be any fun with no one to hassle but yourself and the animals :P

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I can't overtake myself and create good or bad character.

In result, my chars 80% time I are 'grey'. Even that assassins or dark mages, because I decide what to do, not they ;)

'Good' or 'Bad' for me is too primitive to describe the person.


As in life, I love to travel, look around searching beautiful views, explore and create photos (notes in Oblivion).

I don't bother myself with quests, most of time I'm exploring world.

I can't stand to visit ruined buildings or abandoned houses (Hm, I prefer to do this with my friends. And last time I did it more than year ago, though, so... maybe now I won't go to that kind of place if it's situated in the city)


As in life, I prefer walk alone, thinking about sth and don't like when somebody's watching me. (Maybe because of that most of my chars are sneaky)


Never played 'pure' warrior, it's too boring for me. I prefer to deploy mines/tripwires and use the envirorment (traps, pits) and watch victims behave like I planned :)

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As much as I try to play the "bad guy", I cannot stop helping those in need, taking care of the powerful harassing the powerless and such, so I always end up falling into the "Robin Hood" stereotype.

I love stealth characters but I always end up being the Honorable Thief, stealing from those who are blatantly evil, killing bandits and pretty much being the Holy Paladin of Justice. <.<


I've always wanted to see what's the Dark Brotherhood like but I just can't force myself to kill an innocent person. :\

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One of the things I love baout writing books and playing games is that they are a portal to step outside yourself.


I've played almost everyone and everything imaginable. I know some people have trouble deviating from their real world form, even when they deviate from their real world life, but for me that's just more of the fun.


I happily play pretty much anyone with a story to tell, male, female, "both and neither", human, alien, humalien, alieuman, whatever, if it's got a story worth telling, then I'll probably make n play one. My Oblivion character are likwise diverse. I've got a Slime called Bob, who is a raving psychopath(and a somehow sentiant lump of goo, based loosely on the slimes from Midas). who is my novelty character, for letting off steam and having a good laugh. Afterall, watching guardsmen getting chased around by a fourty tonne lump of pink lsudge, though it eventualy gets boring, is kinda funny.


I also have Whitemane, my main, a general-kommisar for a relatively good order, but with at times dubious morality in the name of good. Grakk, a big ork/troll warlord thing, which is a raider, it's fun because he raids settlements and cities, and raiding cyrodiil rather than saving it hasnt gotten boring yet. My others are Auriela. a combo mage/fighter, who is fun because it's an entirely neutral character. Being out for yourself and doing whatever you choose within your own moral compass is fun and gives a sense of freedom. And lastly Hiroshii, my dedicated fighter, an akaviri with Samurai roots and a Yari as his main weapon.

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I don`t care about morality, if it works better for me, i`l do it.

I gotta say my character was supposed to be a good night, but turned in to a vampire dark brotherhood grey fox murderer . . . how the hell did i manage that?

Im more like the "evil is power!" kind.

I also like metal if this matters . . .


I`m making my characters independent from RL in p&pRPG.


Huh all sentences start with "I"


Uh my AP rank . . . what irony.

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I'm a very moral, honest, and considerate person in real life. In game, I still have morals, but I am not afraid to off a few baddies. I tend to only steal when I know I can get away with it, and only if it is of considerate value - I don't steal a beggar's last apple. I don't go around causing trouble, but I am a thief-oriented character, so I have been in trouble with the law a few times. I have yet to kill an npc not related to quests, and as such have never been confronted by the Dark Brotherhood.
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If my personality was the same in real life as Oblivion, then I'd be very worried that Law Enforcement hadn't caught me yet.


True that.


My characters never have a real set personality; everything's sorta spur of the moment. If I think that's a nice looking sword that dude's got there, then I'ma kill him and take it. Conversely, I don't (often) just go on a rampage and start stabbing random people. It has been known to happen though.


In real life, I'd like to say I'm a fairly moral, law-abiding guy. No Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood for me.

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I tried to get into RP in WoW, and take on different characters I'd create in my head, from the badass, to the evil guy, to the good guy, I stopped though because I didn't want to waste anymore time on that game. It was really a strange lot that played it. Anyway, I reflect that in Oblivion. I have three characters I play, a Wizard good guy, a thief type character, and one of those dungeon raider types.


None of these are anything like me, in real life, I enjoy looking like a stoned rock star, because, why not? I like music and picking on people I don't like with big words they don't understand. :3 None of my characters can really reflect me at all, I just kind of let RP games take me wherever I feel someone like that would take them based on movies I've seen or books I've read.

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